ROWING TECHNIQUE SYMPOSIUM Hazewinkel 12th June 2009
ROWING TECHNIQUE Why do we need a uniform rowing technique? Different athletes may need a specific technique to achieve their best possible rowing performance Unless each athlete we train is going to be a Single Sculler there is a need for similar technique in order to form fast crew boats Unless we keep to ourselves we need relatively uniform ideas about the rowing basics There are mechanical principles that apply to rowing technique We need to look at best practice We need to compare our ideas with what the best in the World are doing
The Performance Triangle Physical Mental Technical ROWING TECHNIQUE The Performance Triangle Physical Mental Technical NEXT SLIDE
We must always remember the following pedagogical principles: ROWING TECHNIQUE TEACHING ROWING We must always remember the following pedagogical principles: From simple to complex From easy to challenging From familiar to unfamiliar From general to specific NEXT SLIDE
ROWING TECHNIQUE As for all sporting techniques it is important to only consider functional values There is no need that the technical pattern of rowing be “beautiful” The rower must: a> produce the highest physiological performance and b> transform this performance into the best propulsion possible NEXT SLIDE
ROWING TECHNIQUE General Aims 1.To perfect the most efficient technique based on facts, not speculation 2.To produce stable performance in varied conditions (wind, waves, varied boats etc) 3.To maintain correct technique in progressively more intense competitions 4.To allow no loss of form under pressure and exhaustion NEXT SLIDE
ROWING TECHNIQUE Skill Analysis A coach is a judge of skill and needs to: break down COMPLEX SKILLS into SIMPLE PARTS separate GOOD parts from BAD FOCUS on important parts - not get distracted find a WAY TO CORRECT technical errors put the whole technique back together SLIDE
All attributes (mental, physical, technical) needed to ‘go fast’ L2 Rowing Technique October 2002 All attributes (mental, physical, technical) needed to ‘go fast’ Correctly rigged boat is necessary Rowing Australia
ROWING TECHNIQUE Important Components Correct Grip – handle the handle Blade Work – blade depth and hand curves, feather and square up, lengths Sequence – use of main muscle groups Rhythm & Ratio - maximising the boat speed Balance & Centre of Gravity NEXT SLIDE
GRIP - SCULLING thumbs over end 2nd knuckle leading tangent during drive flat wrists feather oar with fingers not wrist relaxed hold NEXT SLIDE
GRIP - SWEEP hands comfortably apart (1-2 fists) outside hand as hook inside hand feathers with fingers flat wrists relaxed hold
L2 Rowing Technique October 2002 Rowing Australia
ROWING TECHNIQUE Basic Points push the boat - do not shovel water no need to be violent at the catch - accuracy vs speed vs power float up the slide - relaxed but precisely controlled
Accuracy v Speed v Power Movements must be performed as easily and naturally as possible. Accuracy v Speed v Power
ROWING TECHNIQUE Bladework CATCH PLACEMENT - a good beginning is rounded as it “hooks” the water common FAULTS - digging deep in the middle of the stroke and deep catch/washy finish HAND CURVE - move continuously around both catch and finish turns when to SQUARE THE BLADE? - start to unweight the handle after the feet
Blade entry starts on the way forward Handle curve at the catch - semicircular not triangular
ROWING TECHNIQUE Rhythm take time to get the timing right stroke rate depends on crew technique at any stroke rate the correct ratio between drive and recovery must be maintained acceleration cannot be achieved without timing and relaxation throughout the drive races are won between the strokes
Steady control on the recovery is crucial for minimum decrease of boat speed Entry speed must depend on hand speed ……...not seat speed
ROWING TECHNIQUE Sequence Rowing is a cyclic sport (like running, swimming, cycling) Repetitive cycles need to be performed as a mirror image one another other Main muscle groups work in the sequence of LEGS – BODY – ARMS Reverse order through the recovery
Smooth sequence of Legs - Body - Arms L2 Rowing Technique October 2002 Smooth sequence of Legs - Body - Arms Rowing Australia
ROWING TECHNIQUE Stroke Analysis Catch Early drive Mid drive Mid late drive Late drive Finish Release Hands away Early recovery Mid recovery Late recovery Full reach
L2 Rowing Technique October 2002 Rowing Australia
1. The Catch Catch is the last part of the recovery Shins are almost vertical to vertical Arms are straight and relaxed Top of knees should be at level of armpits Good reach without undue tension - relaxed in the shoulders Weight is at the front of the seat Emphasis on hands initiating blade entry - not body lift Eyes and head up
2. Early Drive Arms are straight Flat wrists with the correct relaxed grip Blades fully buried but not too deep Lower back is locked against initial drive of legs Shoulders are down and relaxed - not up around ears Shoulders forward of hips Feeling of hang
3. Mid Drive Arms are straight Shoulders relaxed and extended Body starts to lever back from the hips Horizontal drive - straight line with handle, head & shoulders Legs with increased acceleration during the drive until perpendicular position or just behind it Shoulders over the hips Weight transferred to the middle of the seat
4. Late Drive Legs are finished and locked Body is still levering back Arms begin to draw the handle in to the body Blades kept buried Forearms are parallel to the water Head is up and shoulders are past the hips Weight is transferred to the back of the seat
5. Finish & Release Legs (knees) are locked down Strong posture with the lower back is maintained Sitting still Shoulder blades retracted Elbows drawn back with flat wrists and forearms Backturn is smooth and continuous - in, down, turn & away blades are extracted square out of the water Blades rolled onto the feather lateral pressure against the gate Setting up hand height through the release
6. Early Recovery Smooth, continues and relaxed hands away until arms are almost straight Body pivoting from the hips with the legs held down Weight change from the back to the centre of the seat hands have past the knees before the set starts smoothly rolling forward Upper body is up and relaxed
7. Mid Recovery Body swings forward of the hips, changing the weight from the centre to the front of the seat Forward body angle reached by ½ to ¾ slide Arms are relaxed and almost straight Moving sternwards ahead of seat Relaxed grip
8. Late Recovery Body is set in catch position Emphasis on controlled roll towards the front chocks Elimination of all unnecessary movements Head & shoulders remain level throughout recovery Blades start to be squared up (roll) after hands have passed the feet Whilst blade is being squared hands begin moving handle up through semicircle Hands and shoulders remain relaxed
Back to……. Full Reach/Catch