IPC Working Group 35 - Updates on IT support to the IPC Geneva April 11, 2016 Patrick Fiévet Head of IT Systems Section
Agenda Updates on IT support to the IPC IPC Publication platform IPCPUB7 Migration to a new authentication and Identity management system
IPC publication platform (IPCPUB7) What is new since IPC CE 48? Scheme search Illustrations integrated in IPC definitions Catchword tab Integration of CPC and FI
IPC publication platform (IPCPUB7) What is left: RCL tab Compilation tab PDF and IPC warning indications Additional web services for IPCRMS Legacy definitions: data cleanup in IPCRMS and alignment with approved specification
IPCPUB7 Beta version Demonstration
IPCPUB7 perspectives Plan for Q2 2016: IPCPUB 7 Testing by Offices in parallel with IPCPUB 6.3: June 2016 (for earlypub 2017.01) Switch to IPCPUB 7 as reference IPC publication platform: June 30, 2016 Decommissioning of IPCPUB 6: July 29, 2016
Migration to a new authentication and Identity management system Status: IPC- Eforum and IPCRECLASS: work in progress expected completion Q2 2016
Thank you for your attention! QUESTIONS? contact WIPO at ipc.mail@wipo.int