SAT Vocabulary Set 17
Altruistic (adj. ALL-troo-istik) Unselfishly generous; concerned about others
Culpable (adj. kul-puh-bul) Deserving blame
Hedonist (n. heed-nist) One who believes that pleasure is the only purpose in life
Innocuous (adj. in-ock-yoo-us) Harmless; unlikely to produce a strong response
Notoriety (n. noter-eye-ity) A reputation based on something negative
Orator (n. or-uh-ter) Public speaker
Placate (v. play-kate) (**Mrs. DeVeau’s fav word) To lessen the anger or tension of a situation
Ponderous (adj.pon-der-us) Weighty; difficult
Sporadic (adj. spuh-rad-ick) Occurring irregularly; “all over the place”
Zealous (adj. “jealous” with a z) Showing great energy, enthusiasm, and/or passion toward a particular cause or objective