POLICY AND STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT THROUGH BRAIN STORMING AND IDEAS BANK TECHNIQUE Prof. Dr. S. Shabih-ul- Hassan Zaidi Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.
POLICY PLANNING AND STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Once the problems and issues have been identified through surveys and data analysis, the Planners and Administrators must develop a policy and strategy to resolve/ mitigate these problems and issues. The policy gives the direction to action required to resolve the problem while strategy is the specific way of working to resolve problems. There can be alternative strategies to mitigate the same problem or issue. Usually a number of alternative strategies are developed and then they are evaluated on the basis of physical, social and economic criteria to select the best strategy to be followed to resolve/ mitigate the issue. The policy and strategy is developed through Brain Storming and Ideas Bank Technique.
BRAIN STORMING AND IDEAS BANK TECHNIQUE The Brain Storming and Ideas Bank technique involves a thinking process in the form of a group of experts of the relevant field to which the problem or issue belongs. The members of the group sit together around a round table and choose a leader of the group. The leader of the group reads the details of the problem or issue loudly and invites solutions to resolve or mitigate it from the group members. Then the group members use small chits of paper to write an idea to resolve the problem. The group leader receive these chits and reads various idea aloud. No idea is considered to be mean or stupid idea, as the new, innovative ideas which sounded foolish at the initial stage have become a basis for great inventions.
BRAIN STORMING AND IDEAS BANK TECHNIQUE Contd…. When the group members listen to the ideas given by other members, new ideas come in their mind and a second and third round of brain storming is carried out so much so that some ideas need special brain storming. The chits carrying such ideas are placed on board and further ideas are solicited from the group members by the group leader. Then the related ideas are put together in the form of a flow chart of activities to form a strategy to resolve a certain problem. Alternative strategies are developed and evaluated to obtain the best strategy which is technically sound, socially acceptable to the people and economically viable (affordable by the target group)
STEPS INVOLVED IN BRAINSTORMING Leader explains the basic rules Leader appoints the note taker A warm up exercise is done to illustrate the method and prepare the group for creative thinking The Leader defines the brainstorming subject Ideas are invited from the group: to start with each person may be asked for a contribution, after the initial rounds, anyone may respond As ideas are mentioned they are written down or put on the board or flip over (depending on the method used)
INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE BRAINSTORMING GROUP All ideas are valuable ideas No criticism, no praise Dont interrupt someone when he/she is talking Be brief and clear Dont be afraid to be original, wild If you cant think about anything, just Pass Every member should agrees on what the topic of brainstorming is
INSTRUCTIONS FOR LEADER OF THE BRAINSTORMING GROUP Asking for more ideas Helping an individual formulate his/her idea briefly Telling the note taker what to write down Cutting off value judgments, criticisms, etc. Keeping the brainstorming moving
THE NEW PARADIGM FOR POLICY MAKING THROUGH GOOD GOVERNANCE 1. All of our efforts must be geared to serve the people because they are our client and the client is the king. 2. All problems must be resolved at local level, in a democratic way, keeping in view the principles of justice and fair-play. 3. The people must be provided with all the information and procedural detail regarding any project developed to serve them.
THE NEW PARADIGM FOR POLICY MAKING THROUGH GOOD GOVERNANCE Contd… 4. Delays in any procedure give rise to corruption. Therefore, procedural delays may be avoided through new innovative techniques, the use of IT and one window operation etc. 5. People must be actively involved at the stage of planning, implementation and maintenance of projects. 6. Awareness regarding problems and the strategies being adopted to resolve them must be created among people using mass media, sign posting etc.