Value of a Regional PBC Network Richard Woolley Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC
Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC A Brief CV 1993 to 1999 – Fundholding Manager 1999 to 2003 – PCT Commissioning Manager 2003 to 2007 – Practice Business Manager 2007 to Present – Self employed working mainly with: Leodis Healthcare LLP, NAPC, MAC2 Consulting Shepherd Taylor Partnership Richard Woolley Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC
Brief for today’s meeting What is the forum’s value to members What lessons have you learned along the way that keep the forum working effectively Richard Woolley Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC
The key aims and objectives of the forum are:- How does the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC add value? The key aims and objectives of the forum are:- To develop an effective network for the clinical and managerial leads of PBC consortia within Yorkshire and Humber S.H.A. To share examples of good practice in service re-design, healthcare provision, consortium organisation, strategic planning and developing effective relationships with stakeholders. Richard Woolley Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC
Key aims and objectives, cont. To provide a network of consortia outside PCT boundaries. To gather member opinion and where appropriate represent that opinion to interested parties such as DOH, SHA and PCTs. To engage high profile speakers to share their knowledge and experience. To facilitate learning and development. To break down barriers when the effectiveness of PBC is compromised by local PCT interpretation of policy. To benefit from the membership NAPC Richard Woolley Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC
“Not so good” Lessons we have learned Yorkshire and Humber is a big place. There is no such thing as a free lunch. The higher profile your speaker the more likely they are to send apologies. The harder the day job gets the harder it becomes to spare time to attend the forum. Richard Woolley Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC
Positive lessons we have learned Feedback tells us that we have the formula about right. Having a steering group has meant that the organisation has kept in touch with its members. Consortia who have made the most progress are generous with their knowledge and experience. Members with difficulties which appeared hitherto impossible to resolve have made progress thanks to their membership of the NAPC. Richard Woolley Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC
Given these lessons what are our future plans? We intend our September meeting to be an unofficial AGM at which we will ask our members if the earth has moved for them, and if not what we need to do differently. We intend to work hard on engaging our SHA. We intend to work hard at becoming a conduit which allows the opinions of our member consortia to reach the ears that matter, and that will probably not be at PCT level. Richard Woolley Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC
Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC What is next for you? Richard Woolley Yorkshire and Humber Regional Forum of the NAPC