My Pick MOBB Entry #5 Thursday 3/31 D, E , H Wednesday 3/30 B, F Choose ONE of the following topics to write about. This is due on: Thursday 3/31 D, E , H Wednesday 3/30 B, F You must fill at least the entire front AND back of a page in your MOBB. Title the pages according to the topic(s) you choose.
IC “Ninja or Pirate #1” Date 2 page minimum (SKILL: Analyzing a character and writing an argumentative piece; creating an organized essay) There is an ongoing debate about who would win in a battle between a ninja and a pirate. After thinking about all aspects of each character (their mental make-up, their skills and talents, their strengths and weaknesses), write an argument supporting one or the other as the victor in a battle!
IC “Ninja or Pirate #2” Date 2 page minimum (SKILL: Developing two sides to an argument and analyzing characters ; creating an organized essay.) The ninja vs. pirate topic is a popular internet debate naming both as worthy opponents, each with their own distinct characteristics. For this piece, explain which one you consider yourself to be. Think about each in terms of their mental make-up, their skills and talents, their strengths and weaknesses Are you a ninja or a pirate? WHY?