High level objectives Overview Proposal for approach 23-10-2018 GRVA_SG1-03 Niigata Transmitted by the expert of the Netherlands Document GRVA-SG1-03-05 GRVA SG1/2 High level objectives Overview Proposal for approach
Control for Authorities 23-10-2018 GRVA_SG1-03 Niigata High level objectives Improved road safety Accidentology f Ex Near miss registration A safer concept Co-pilot Objective risk Routine driving (repetitive tasks) Level playing field Prevent winner takes all f Ex Open platforms Common Standards Data sharing Comm. standards Control for Authorities Possibility to act f Ex Recall Limit functions Investigate
Simplified generic model (for AV) 23-10-2018 GRVA_SG1-03 Niigata Simplified generic model (for AV) Generic simplified model to create overview V = Vehicle V0 = Model of V V0-1 = is typical feedforward controller for V, containing vehicle dynamic information Conditional model, the model is only valid within certain boundaries (usually linearity assumptions in the model limit the use in real world).
Fleet monitoring; silent mode 23-10-2018 GRVA_SG1-03 Niigata Performance* (example) Navigation Geo Fencing HD-map Sensor interpretation Detection objects Decision Vehicle control Break/steer/accel. ABS/ESP How to approve? Audit & Assessment Declaration Simulation Track test Road test Fleet monitoring; silent mode *) List needs to be completed. Performance declaration of manufacturer - Lifetime monitoring and possible limited time frame clearance Scenario testing does not cover all of ODD - Basic start set for vehicle - Proof of functionality in the complete ODD Transition of Control Road authority - Road side information
Some items we might need to consider 23-10-2018 GRVA_SG1-03 Niigata Some items we might need to consider Performance declaration of manufacturer Lifetime monitoring and possible limited time frame clearance Testing coverage Scenario testing does not cover all of ODD Proof of functionality and operational safety in real world Use of statistical methods Transition of Control Road authority Road side information and V2I (C-ITS) Need for component certification Artificial Intelligence and deep/machine learning methods Legal issue’s
23-10-2018 GRVA_SG1-03 Niigata Suggested path for SG Phase 1: overview and common understanding (resolution) Dependencies, complexity and detail, main risk area’s, recommendations of subjects to be covered 6 months Phase 2: Time path for introduction Dependencies can be outside the WP29 scope 3 months (or partly parallel to phase 1) Phase 3: Iterative approach for regulation recommendation Quick unpolished first version on principles and methods (6-9 months) Polish and adjust in second version (6-9 months)