Architecture Project Creating a Smart City
Aerial view
Recreation of an old dock
The new concept
Area: Materials: 5 districts Becoming a smart and green city Sustainable materials: wood, recycled steel, glass and concrete.
Not a city with a park, but a park with a city
Energy -Layers for insulation: -Double/triple glazing:
Solar panels Kinetic pads:
Water heating: Wind farms:
Districts District I Offices for local residents Tourism: museums, hotel Observatory Luxury houses
Districts District II Recreation: tennis courts, etc. golf course, sports facilities Swimming pool Pond
Districts District III Commercial facilities: restaurants cafés Cinema, disco, bars, shopping, aquarium Square (for markets, events, fountain…)
Districts District IV and V Residential area: houses Relax surroundings with a lot of green Community parks
Thank you, and see you soon in our city!