No effect of Nitrogen? Something wrong? Not exceeded sites? Non-sensitive habitats Metrics?
Species number doesn’t tell the story Rob Maas: easy Site Level Species number doesn’t tell the story Rob Maas: easy UK: species no. didn’t relate to good habitat quality DK: increase in negatively effected heathland CBD: not a selected policy indicator for biodiversity Shannon, Simpson Several: complicated Respond different to biodiversity loss CBD: not a selected policy indicator Other options: Selection of species DK, CH, .. : oligotrophic species UK, NL: positive indicators for habitat quality Regional level: 251 habitat types in Europe Jane: number of effected habitat types DK: number of protected areas Arjen van Hinsberg 08-04-2013
Biodiversity endpoint based on policy targets High quality (favourable status) Low quality Characteristic species ≠ positive species List of target (typical) species or List characteristic species List of species at high Habitat quality - List of competing species Arjen van Hinsberg 08-04-2013
Calculating Endpoint PROPS for 80% species Chance of occurrence Maximum chance Suitability = Overall Suitability for high quality = Averaged over species Suitability/ maximum suitability (maximum in history/future)