NYS Common Core MathAssessments Parent Guide EngageNY.org
(Hint: There are 3 additional pages missing.) Let’s Practice Task: Work on the problem independently for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, share with the people at your table and discuss the strategy that you used to solve the problem. Problem: There is a book with 64 pages. There are 16 sheets with 4 pages per sheet. Page 15 is missing. What other pages are missing? (Hint: There are 3 additional pages missing.) Parents to try: Discuss process/ procedures it took to solve 15 16 49 50 Stress that it is not the question, it is the process of problem solving, perseverance, communication giving clues…
Engageny.org Curriculum- click here Parent Page EngageNY.org
CC Assessments In Spring 2013, New York State administered the first ELA/Literacy and Mathematics Common Core tests intended to provide students, families, educators, and the public better measures of student proficiency in the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in college and careers. EngageNY.org
Testing Dates for NYS Math 3-8 Engageny.org Testing Dates for NYS Math 3-8 Sample Test Items- click here April 22-24, 2015 Questions? EngageNY.org
So, what can parents do to help? EngageNY.org
Parent support can help students succeed not only on the test but everyday By staying involved, informed and engaged, parents can help students be successful There are many ways to help: Read with your children Review and discuss their homework Communicate with their teachers Attend public meetings to learn more Learn about the standards and how they affect your child’s education and school Look through your child’s backpack each afternoon EngageNY.org
Learnzillion.com EngageNY.org
NCTM Illuminations EngageNY.org
Helpful Sites A list of math Models used in the CC Math Curriculum can be found at: http://www.engageny.org/sites/default/files/resource/attachments/how_to_implement_a_story_of_units.pdf Online resources and instructional videos: http://www.khanacademy.org/ http://www.pta.org http://showme.com/ http://commoncore.org/parents - Eureka Math Tips For Parents Mathematics Department Website: http://www.rcsdk12.org//Domain/61 Office of Parent Engagement Website: http://www.rcsdk12.org//Domain/65
Thank you Stephanie Moore Jeff Mikols 262-8287 262-8741 Stephanie.moore@rcsdk12.org 262-8741 Jeffrey.mikols@rcsdk12.org EngageNY.org