Golden Age of Islam
House of Wisdom- Baghdad created by Ma'mun in 830 C.E.
Engineering Possibilities Math Place value system Algebra Equations to define lines and curves Geometry led to trigonometry Created pumps, fountains Surveying and architecture Science Astronomy Solar eclipses predicted Moon affects the oceans Geographers Chemistry (classification of animals, plants and minerals)
The Astrolabe Muhammed Al Fazari Astronomy Tool Navigational Instrument Which way is Mecca?
Medical Advances Studied origins of diseases (smallpox, measles, etc.) Al- Razi, Ibn Sina (Canon of Medicine) Identification of circulatory system Science of optics (lights impact on eyes)
Literature and Philosophy The Arabian Nights- Story of Sinbad Aladdin and His Lamp Ali Baba and the 40 Theives Mishne Torah- Jewish scholar, Moses Maimonides- revival of Aristotle
The “Ideal Man” Cultural Diversity