Meet Mrs. Dougherty
My Education Graduated from Mercer University in 2006 Received my Masters of Education in 2009 Was named the Pate’s Creek Teacher of the Year for the 2016-2017 school year!
Meeting a Goal!!! Has only taught 3rd grade Married to a sports fanatic 12th year teaching Meeting a Goal!!!
Fast Facts Has a daughter named Addison Has 2 dogs Has only taught 3rd grade Married to a sports fanatic 13th year teaching Has a daughter named Addison Has 2 dogs 1st year at Dutchtown
My Babies! Watson Addison Olive
Things your teacher loves! Reading Shopping Movies Animals Autumn Starbucks Chocolate
Family Has 2 sisters and 1 brother Has family in Georgia, California and Pennsylvania Has 4 nephews and 3 nieces
My life as a 3rd Grader Shy Loved to read Had to work hard in math Dad was a room parent Went to school in San Diego Teacher was Miss Nugent Me at age 8
Favorite Parts of Being a Teacher Getting to know students and parents Laughing Reading novels with my class Seeing a student learn!!!
Quiz Time!!!