Approaching Writing in the NY Curriculum Modules
Purpose of this Session Participants will be able to Identify the types of writing instruction in NY 9-12 ELA curriculum modules. Use module materials to help students become better writers.
The Foundation of Writing Instruction in the NY Curriculum Modules CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.9-10.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. EQUIP Rubric CCSS Appendix A What do these three resources tell you about writing instruction in CCSS aligned curriculum?
Curriculum Implications Writing of different types for different purposes On demand and process writing Extensive use of evidence
Writing in Module 10.1 Read the final performance task for Module 10. As you read, notice: What type of writing are students doing here? How is this writing being assessed? What writing standards are being assessed?
How do the NY Curriculum Modules teach writing? Form triads and assign each member one of the unit overviews. As you read the overview, mark places you see students learning and practicing to collect and use evidence from text in their writing. Discuss How are students learning to apply reading standards to their writing? How are students honing their ability to collect and use evidence from text in their writing?
Try This: Teaching Students to Collect Evidence Read the excerpt from Friday Night Lights. Discuss the excerpt with a partner.
What Would You Do? RI.9-10.2: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. W.9-10.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Look at the Lesson Read the excerpt from Module 10.1 Unit 3, Lesson 13. As you read, notice how this lesson works with RI.9-10.2 and W.9-10.9 (a yearlong standard). Discuss: What are students learning about this text? How did the decisions you made compare to those in this lesson? What are some other ways this same skill could be built using this text?
Tools to Support Evidence Collection Models of evidence Connections between and among texts Scaffolds to key understandings NOT a proxy for instruction!
Writing Instruction in Different Curriculum Modules Explanatory writing Identifying and using evidence Module 9.3 Writing to analyze sources Writing as a product of research
Module 9.3: Communicating Knowledge Read 9.3.3 Lesson 1. As you read, notice: What writing standards are included in this lesson? How are students learning to do the work of this unit?
Teaching Writing Research Highly organized deliverables and materials Claim arises from the investigation Leveraging peer thinking
Reflection How can you use the materials in the curriculum module to support your students to become better finders and users of text evidence? What are the first things you’ll teach your colleagues about CCSS aligned research writing?
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