Computer Science — An Overview J. Glenn Brookshear Chapter Four, Figures 7-14 Algorithms Computer Science — An Overview J. Glenn Brookshear
Figure 4.7 Components of repetitive control
Figure 4.8 The while loop structure
Figure 4.9 The repeat loop structure
Figure 4.10 (A) Sorting the list Fred, Alice, David, Bill, and Carol alphabetically
Figure 4.10 (B) Sorting the list Fred, Alice, David, Bill, and Carol alphabetically
Figure 4.11 The insertion sort algorithm expressed in pseudocode
Figure 4.12 The core of the binary search
Figure 4. 13 Applying the strategy expressed in Figure 4 Figure 4.13 Applying the strategy expressed in Figure 4.12 to search a list for the entry John
Figure 4.14 The binary search algorithm in pseudocode