Pharmacobotany 2 Lecture 4.


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Presentation transcript:

Pharmacobotany 2 Lecture 4

Subclassis: CARYOPHYLLIDAE Ordo: Chenopodiales Familia: Phytolaccaceae Pokeberry family

Phytolacca americana American pokeweed betalain ! lectins, triterpene saponins - toxic

Familia: Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot family polycambiality – concentric rings of xylem and phloem (secondary thickening of the root) bladder trichomes betalain accumulation alkaloids; sodium and potassium salts

Chenopodium ambrosioides var. anthelminticum (wormseed) Oleum chenopodii: anthelminthic

Beta vulgaris convar. conditiva - beetroot convar Beta vulgaris convar. conditiva - beetroot convar. altissima – sugar beet

Spinacia oleracea spinach

Familia: Amaranthaceae Amaranth family

Amaranthus hypochondriacus seeds – amaranth grains: contain no gluten

F.: Aizoaceae – Mesembryanthemum family Delosperma cooperi Faucaria tigrina Mesembryanthemum crystallina

Tetragonia tetragonoides – New-Zealand spinach

Familia: Portulacaceae Purslane family

Portulaca oleracea – common purslane

Ordo: Opuntiales (Cactales) Familia: Cactaceae Cactus family cylindrical, flat or spherical wart-like emergences / aeroles: leaves modified into spines dense trichomes – reduce evaporation flowers: showy, solitary, numerous tepals, stamens fruit: berry

Lophophora williamsii - “Peyote” Active compound: mescaline (protoalkaloid) - hallucinogenous

Ordo: Caryophyllales Familia: Caryophyllaceae Carnation family swollen nodes leaves: opposite (decussate) Flowers: * K5 or (5) C5 A5+5 G (2-5) Ca5 or (5) Co5 A5+5 G (2-5) Fruit: capsule with teeth

Gypsophila paniculata baby’s breath

Saponaria officinalis – common soapwort

Herniaria sp. - ruptureworts H. glabra – smooth rupturewort H Herniaria sp. - ruptureworts H. glabra – smooth rupturewort H. hirsuta – hairy rupturewort H. glabra urogenital tract: diuretic anti-inflammatory desinficient H. hisruta

Agrostemma githago – common corncocle

Ordo: Polygonales Familia: Polygonaceae Buckwheat (knotgrass) family sheath around the node (ochrea) anthraquinones: e.g. Rheum, Rumex sp. Ca(COO)2  enhances formation of kidney stones

Polygonum aviculare – common knotgrass

Polygonum hydropiper water-pepper

Polygonum bistorta (bistort)

Rumex acetosella – sheep’s sorrel

Rumex acetosa – common sorrel

Rumex obtusifolius – broad-leaved dock

Fagopyrum esculentum common buckwheat

Fagopyrum tataricum tartary buckwheat rutin (3-5%) hyperoside quercitrin pharmaceutical processing

Rheum sp. rhubarbs Rh. palmatum Chinese rhubarb stilbene derivative: estrogen-like effect

Subclassis: HAMAMELIDIDAE Ordo: Hamamelidales Familia: Hamamelidaceae Witch-hazel family

Hamamelis virginiana Virginia witch-hazel hamameli tannin

Liquidambar orientalis oriental sweetgum (Asia Minor) styrax resin

Liquidambar styraciflua (American sweetgum)

Ordo: Fagales Familia: Fagaceae Beech family (Oak family) „catkin trees” or „cupule trees” unisexual flowers: perianth perigonium or missing staminate flowers: catkin; pistillate flowers: flower head fruit: nut (acorn) – with cupule (involucral bracts) Familia: Fagaceae Beech family (Oak family) trees or shrubs male flowers: catkin of flower head, female flowers: inferior ovary nut – varied cupule Active compounds: tannins

Fagus sylvatica – common beech Hatvani

Fagus sylvatica – common beech

Fagus sylvatica – common beech

Castanea sativa – sweet chestnut substitute for hamameli tannin

Quercus petraea sessile oak

Quercus robur – pedunculate oak

Quercus cerris – Turkey oak

Quercus suber – cork oak

Quercus suber – cork oak

Quercus infectoria – dyer’s oak (gall oak) infected by a wasp  cell division  gall 70-80% tannin

Familia: Betulaceae Birch family trees and shrubs male and female flowers: catkin nut or 2-winged samara – subtended by bracts Active compounds: flavonoids, triterpenes, citrulline (N)

Betula pendula – silver birch

Betula pubescens – downy birch

Betula pubescens – downy birch

Alnus glutinosa – common alder

Familia: Corylaceae Hazel family (often included within Betulaceae) trees and shrubs staminate (male) flowers: catkin, pistillate (female) flowers: in buds, loose raceme Fruit: nut (acorn): leafy bracts

Corylus avellana – common hazel

Ordo: Juglandales Familia: Juglandaceae Walnut family Fruit: drupe Active compounds: polyphenols, tannins, quinones (juglone)

Juglans regia common walnut Juglans nigra black walnut Juglans regia common walnut

Juglans regia common walnut Juglans nigra black walnut Juglans regia common walnut

Ordo: Myricales Familia: Myricaceae Bayberry family trees and shrubs wax coating on leaves and drupes

Myrica cerifera – wax myrtle used for tanning and dyes