Objective~ Understand the M.A.I.N causes of WWI The Great War 1914-1918 Lecture~ 1 Objective~ Understand the M.A.I.N causes of WWI "The Great War was without precedent ... never had so many nations taken up arms at a single time. Never had the battlefield been so vast… never had the fighting been so gruesome..."
3) World War One 1) Industrial Revolution 2) Imperialism Factories=more goods Need markets and raw materials Race for colonies 3) World War One
Why did World War One Begin? M.A.I.N.
M Militarism
Militarism (Late 1800s) Growth of mass armies (Conscription) Acquire/protect colonies. Arms race between Britain and Germany.
A Alliances Countries join together and agree to help each other if attacked
Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. (Central Powers-1882) Triple Entente: France, Great Britain, and Russia. (Allied Powers-1907)
Alliance system of 1914
I Imperialism The desire for a greater empire, more wealth and territory Rather than protect the interests of the involved countries, the alliance system created intense rivalries dividing Europe. The series of binding military treaties left Europe in an extremely vulnerable state heading straight toward war. France Germany Great Britain Austria-Hungary
Race for colonies & economic dominance= intense competition. Germany entered late of Imperialism later than the other European powers-they to wanted their cut of land/colonies.
Sense of extreme pride/loyalty to one’s country. Nationalism Sense of extreme pride/loyalty to one’s country.
Interconnected with military & imperialist goals War: preserve/heighten the power of their states Austria-Hungary -nationalism? Many minority populations Recently independent countries Italy-1870 & Germany-1871 Guiding force: own self-interest and success.
Read: Wilhelm II & answer the 3 questions E.C. The Crime of the Ages (355-356) Finish Map & A New Kind of War