South and Southeast Asia in the Age of Imperialism 1800-1914
Imperialism Old Imperialism – European powers didn’t acquire territory but did build trading stations (minus Spain and Portugal in the Americas) New Imperialism – Direct conquest of Old World territories and creation of formal empires using modern technology
Why Imperialism? Social Darwinism – survival of the fittest Based on Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection Racial superiority White Man’s Burden – a duty to “civilize” non-Western peoples and eliminate water-borne diseases
Economic Motives – Colonies served as both sources of raw materials and markets for finished goods Nationalism – European nations wanted to demonstrate their power Balance of Power – European nations forced to compete with neighbors
India British East India Co. controlled most of India by mid-1700’s Direct rule from London replaced B.E.I.C. in 1858 following Sepoy Mutiny (Rebellion) British colonial gov’t established new export economy, infrastructure, and educational system
“The British educational system in India will form a class of persons Indian in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect.” Thomas Macaulay
As India became more unified under British rule, Indians developed a greater common nat’l identity A new educated Indian elite began to challenge the Raj by late 19th c. (Indian National Congress) Many educated Indians resented being treated as second-class citizens in their own country
“It is this consciousness of the inherent superiority of the European which has won for us India. However well educated and clever a native may be, and however brave he may prove himself, I believe that no rank we can bestow on him would cause him to be considered an equal of the British officer.” Lord Kitchener
Indonesia Dutch East India Co. expanded its rule from the island of Java in early 1800’s to all of Indonesia by 1900 Through unification, the Dutch helped create an Indonesian nat’l identity much like the British had done in India Exploitative colonial economy only increased resentment against Europeans
Dutch East Indies (later Indonesia)
Vietnam Catholic missionaries from France began arriving in Vietnam in 1800’s Vietnamese gov’t outlawed Christianity and executed Christians French gov’t responded by sending a navy to annex S. Vietnam Rest of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia were conquered by France by 1900 Only Thailand remained independent
French Indochina
The Philippines After its victory in the Spanish-American War of 1898, U.S. annexed the formerly Spanish Philippines Filipino nationalists like Emilio Aguinaldo refused to accept this and declared war on the U.S. War ended in 1902 w/5K Americans and 200K Filipinos dead U.S. went on to develop infrastructure, economy, and education in the Philippines Philippines became independent in 1946 Emilio Aguinaldo
American Political Cartoons from the Age of Imperialism
Pro or Anti-Imperialist?
Pro or Anti-Imperialist?
Pro or Anti-Imperialist?
Pro or Anti-Imperialist?