Agenda 9/20 Lab Recap Cellular respiration review Cellular respiration quiz Turn in: IA data tables, cell resp concept map
Lab Recap Purpose: determine the rate of cellular respiration (mL O2/min) in germinating peas, non germinating peas, and glass beads in a respirometer We need KOH- why? What gas was consumed? What gas was produced?
Sample Data Graph the volume of O2 consumed vs time for the germinating seeds First have to determine change in volume for each time point (mL of O2 consumed) Calculate the slope of that line- what does this represent?
Lab Recap Slope of line= rate mL of O2/min Temperature can influence the rate of cellular respiration As temperature increases, the molecules move faster, meaning they react more frequently BUT if temperature gets too hot, the enzymes get denatured and cellular respiration will not function (no ATPase=no cellular respiration) Cold temperatures would decrease the rate since molecules are moving slower What other factors could influence the rate of cellular respiration?
Cellular Respiration Overview
Glycolysis Glucose is broken into pyruvate 4 ATP molecules are made It takes 2 ATP molecules to break glucose apart 4 ATP molecules are made NET of 2 ATP
Kreb’s Cycle Pyruvateacetyl-coA Acetyl-coA gets broken into a lot of different molecules CO2 produced NADH and FADH2 produced 2 ATPs produced
Electron Transport Chain NADH/FADH2 carry electrons to the membrane of the mitochondria The electrons flow through proteins in the membrane, being pulled by oxygen, which is the final electron acceptor As the electrons flow through the membrane, it forces H+ ions outside of the membrane The H+ ions must flow back inside the membrane They flow through ATP synthase, which causes the enzymes to turn, and ATP is made This process is called chemiosmosis
Electron Transport Chain