577ab Object Orientation Introduction David Klappholz A Winsor Brown, Nupul Kukreja (AWBrown@USC.edu, Kukreja@USC.edu) September 25, 2009
Agenda 577a Tutorials Lectures Assignments 577b Approach Workshops
577a Lectures 577a stresses the following aspects of OOA&D Domain Modeling using the Color Coded approach Architectural Styles and patterns (emphasizing the most applicable styles for the 577 projects Multilayered and 3-tiered, Blackboard, Event Based etc.,) Use case analysis using ‘Robustness Diagrams’ 09/26/2009 © USC-CSSE 2005-2009
577a Lectures (cont.) Moving from Robustness Diagrams to Sequence Diagrams Sequence Diagrams to Design level Class Diagrams which can very easily be mapped to implementation level class diagrams Note: The ‘Domain Model’ is constantly transformed into an analysis/design model (class diagram) through the above process. It can also be used to ‘verify’ that the domain related elements have been captured in the model of the ‘to-be-built’ system and to verify the suggested workflow of the use-case descriptions 09/26/2009 © USC-CSSE 2005-2009
577b Approach 577a restricts the process of OOA&D to produce not-so-low-level class diagrams May have ‘system’ related functionality in their attributes/methods (e.g., a ‘Button’ attribute or a ‘ConnectToDB()’ method) there are seldom any ‘languageT' implementation specific attributes/behaviors (e.g., JButton in case Java used for development) 09/26/2009 © USC-CSSE 2005-2009
577b Approach (cont.) 577b proceeds to refine the models of 577a to be more implementation specific: i.e., if still at a semi-implementation level, to drive it down to absolute implementation details basic data types int, float, double, bool or JButton, JFrame, JDialog etc., corresponding methods provided by the development environment 09/26/2009 © USC-CSSE 2005-2009
577b Lectures To have a high level ‘package’ view of the components of the chosen architecture. E.g., If the team chose 3-tier architecture then ‘planning’ for partitioning the ‘code’ into View, Business Logic and Data Layer ‘packages’ Creating appropriate ‘stubbed’ files in the respective packages before starting to code – based on the implementation class diagram Helps analyze the ‘feasibility’ of the implementation model 09/26/2009 © USC-CSSE 2005-2009
577b Lectures (cont.) Introduction to standard design patterns which are most applicable for the projects being developed. For example: Factory Pattern (both AbstractFactory and Factory Method) Singleton Pattern Strategy Pattern – helps understand the value/power of ‘interfaces’ and polymorphism Going from implementation level class diagrams to code 09/26/2009 © USC-CSSE 2005-2009