eESPD and GITB Marc Christopher Schmidt, Business Manager of ESPD, DG GROW G4 Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Background: CEF eProc DSI The eProcurment DSI is about interoperability in this domain. The CEF eProc DSI is about implementing: An ESPD service Making eTendering services interoperable 2017-2 call opened beginning of May Budget: 4 MEUR Co-funding rate: up to 75% of the total eligible cost Indicative duration: 12 months Consortia: 2 private/public entities
Objectives ESPD service Implement an ESPD service that has the ability to import and export an eESPD by doing the following: Implement ESPD data model to your existing solution Reuse of open source ESPD system Reuse of open source VCD system Be aware, there are two version of the eESPD: Regulated (v1) Self-contained/ Regulated (v2)
Validating ESPD services (1) GITB will be used to validate if participants have successfully implemented the ESPD service While ESPD services can handle data internally differently, all services must be able to import and export eESPDs Use cases that will be checked From a buyer to a supplier – An ESPD request can be correctly exported from the buyers service From a supplier to a buyer – An ESPD response can be correctly exported from the suppliers service A service can offer either both use cases or only one
Validating ESPD services (2) There are two versions available for an eESPD Version 1: ”Regulated version” and currently implemented in the Commissions service Version 2: “Regulated and self-contained version” which is currently finalized Version 2 Makes the use of the ESPD easier for buyers and suppliers
Validating ESPD services (3) Status Version 1 GITB already caters for version 1 Nevertheless it must be compatible with the ESPD service from the Commission Status Version 2 Will be added to the GITB in the near future Business rules will be made available in additon to the schemas
ESPD links Homepage: Data model: ISA² test bed: