What is plagiarism? How can it be avoided?
Citations & Plagiarism Mr. Short English 12: College Now 1 March 2018
Today’s Agenda: Period 9 Handout Presentation Wrap-Up Plagiarism Recap & discussion Plagiarism Video Extravaganza
Presentation Wrap-Up: Good work overall. Positives: Nice to learn new areas. Thesis: Show “both sides,” offer three points of proof, and make a suggestion. Great citations Areas to Improve: Give self more time. Use different search terms. Focus on outline.
Presentation Wrap-Up: You never know when you are going to have to give a presentation, or speak in front of a group…
RJ2: If you have not submitted your second research journal, please do. RJ2 will be handed back on Monday!
complete Research Journal 2
Take Notes: Today’s class videos are full of important information. Record it. This is good practice for note taking in college.
Video Extravaganza: Good information to follow when writing. Richards Digital Media: Plagiarism Video for Schools (8:37) Good info, a bit slow.. https://youtu.be/-JwFWbPotBA
Video Extravaganza: Good information to follow when writing. 10 Types of Plagiarism (3:58) A brief, broad look at what you shouldn’t do. https://youtu.be/EF5eFeJMplA
Additional Videos: If You’d Like: Paraphrasing: The Basic Steps (11:26) A solid walkthrough of what and how. https://youtu.be/nSGzuxbdheI Plagiarism by Schmoop (4:09) A more “real” look at plagiarizing, with consequences. https://youtu.be/hJipA52LOms Grammar Bytes! Presents:: Plagiarism: Avoid Academic Theft for Research Success (14:23) Great information, but slow and corny. https://youtu.be/tUSaQ5-mDRI
Tomorrow we will look at: Homework: Sleep. Tomorrow we will look at: when and where to cite. how to cite. Different types of citation. finding info to cite from source. citation information to include. Go to bed before 9:30.