Volcanos BY Lizzy beasley Have you ever wonder how volcanos erupt? Well I am going to tell you how. Under your feet, about 30 km, is the Earth’s mantle. It consists of superhot rock that goes all the way down to the Earth’s core. It is so hot that molten rock will squeeze out and form giant bubbles of liquid rock called magma chambers. This magma is lighter than the surrounding rock. Because it is lighter it rises up and finds cracks and weak spots in the Earth’s crust. When this happens a volcano erupts.
How Do Volcanos Form? Volcanos are formed when magma from within the Earth’s upper mantle works it’s way to the surface. At the surface it erupts to form lava which flows and forms ash deposits. Over time as the volcano continues to erupts it will get bigger and bigger. That is how volcanos are formed. Mount St. Helens Volcano
WHAT IS LAVA MADE OF? Lava is molten rock which comes out of the volcano during an eruption. This molten rock is formed in the Earth’s core. Did you know that the lava is about 700 to 1,200°c (1,292 to 2,192°f)hot?
What are the different stages of volcanos? The three stages of Volcanos: Active – Has erupted and may erupt again soon. Dormant – Has not erupted in a long time, but may erupt in the future. Extinct – Hasn’t erupted in thousands of years and there is not a possibility of it erupting again.
Popular volcanos found in the united states 1. Kilauea- active, found in Hawaii. 2. Pagan- active, found in the pagan island. 3. Yellowstone Super Volcano- active, found in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. 4. Mount St. Helens- dormant, found in Washington Yellowstone Super Volcano
World’s largest volcano Tamu Massif Found in Mauna Loa, Hawaii. Under the pacific ocean, about 6,500 feet below the ocean’s surface. Measures around 2,000 square miles It is the size of New Mexico Believed to be Dormant