INTERNATIONALIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION current state-of-the-art Влада Републике Српске Министарство просвјете и културе INTERNATIONALIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION current state-of-the-art Radmila Pejic, MSc. "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016 тематска сједница Вледе Републике Српске, септембар 2013. године
"Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Why is internationalization important ? It contributes to improving the quality of higher education and employability of young people on the global labor market. "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
Internationalization International academic mobility (students and teachers) Cooperation of higher education institutions Јoint Degrees Internationalization "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
What are the EU standards in terms of internationalization? In the strategic EU documents and EHEA the set target is that by 2020, 20% of persons who acquire higher education qualification spend a part of their studies abroad. EHEA’s definition of mobility – it involves at least three months spent abroad i.e. 15 credits gained (credit mobility) or the entire study completed abroad and acquiring a higher education degree (degree mobility). "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
What have we done so far? Legislative framework for internationalization is in place (Strategy, laws and rulebooks) Higher education is organized in three cycles; Binary system of academic and professional studies has been introduced; European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) has been introduced; Integration of higher education institutions/universities has been done; Intensified international cooperation, and international projects aimed at the development of higher education and science (TEMPUS / + ERASMUS, CEEPUS). "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
Current legal framework: 1. The Law on Higher Education 2. Rulebook on co-financing of international exchange of students and academic staff The annual amount of RS budget for international exchange of students/academic staff is 110,000 KM "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016 тематска сједница Вледе Републике Српске, септембар 2013. године
What are the next steps? In the Strategy for the Development of Education of the Republic of Srpska 2016-2021 one of the objectives is: the internationalization of higher education through the following measures: "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
Measure 1 Increase the mobility of students and academic staff in order to generate outgoing mobility up to 10% and incoming mobility up to 5% by 2020. "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
Measure 2 Increase the number of doctoral candidates from the Republic of Srpska at the accredited international universities. "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
„Jaчање интернационализације високог образовања у БиХ „ Measure 3 Increase the number of outgoing students, and the number of incoming students at the universities in the Republic of Srpska, at all three cycles. „Jaчање интернационализације високог образовања у БиХ „ Бања Лука 08.-09.03.2016. "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
Measure 4 Enhance international cooperation with the accredited higher education institutions abroad. "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
Measure 5 Finalize the process of accreditation of higher education institutions in order to facilitate the recognition of national qualifications for employment or to continue studies at higher education institutions abroad. "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
Encourage the introduction of study programs in English. Measure 6 Encourage the introduction of study programs in English. "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
Measure 7 Encourage the introduction of interdisciplinary studies with accredited European and international higher education institutions. "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016
Thank you for your attention "Strengthening the internationalization of higher education in BiH" Banja Luka, 08-09 March 2016