Data overview Brookwood School November 13, 2016 ITEC 7305 Brittany Hendon
Overview purpose Using data to discover the strengths and weaknesses of students at Brookwood Student Population and Demographics GA Milestone Results The intended audience for presentation and discussion are the administration and faculty of Brookwood Elementary School.
Total Student population Brookwood Yearly Population
Total Enrollment Data By Grade Level
Enrollment by Race
Enrollment by other subgroups
Enrollment by programs
Faculty Gender
Faculty by Race
Data interpretation Overall population is fairly consistent over the last 3 years of data provided. A majority of our student population continues to be Hispanic and white. At 55%, a little over half of our students are Hispanic A notable increase in the amount of EIP students is present in Brookwood. However, the number of ELL students has declined. A majority of the students are eligible for free/reduced lunch. There has been a slight, but steady decrease in the population of Students with Disabilities over the past three years.
Georgia milestones - science 2016 comparison
Georgia milestones - math
Task In our 3rd year as a STEM school, do our GA Milestone results yield the scores we expected? Based on the test results, what strengths can be concluded from the data? Weaknesses? Considering the strengths and weakness of our students, how will this data guide our instruction?