Put these objects in the correct order from largest to smallest: Star Galaxy Planet Universe
Basic Structure (largest to smallest) Universe
Solar System (Stars)
Galaxies A collection of billions of stars, gas, and dust, all held together by gravity Classified by shape into:
Barred Spiral
Milky Way Galaxy Spiral Galaxy Our solar system located on an arm, about 2/3 out from the center
Nuclear Fusion Converts lighter elements into heavier elements Fuels a star
Star Life Cycle
The life cycle of a star depends on its mass when it forms.
Nebula – Gas and dust where stars form
Protostar – Initial stage of a star
Main Sequence Star – Mid life for a star
Red Giants – Older stars
Red Supergiants – older stars that are super massive
Supernova – Exploding star
Planetary Nebula – After a star explodes
White Dwarf – dead star
Neutron Star – massive dead star
Black Hole – supermassive dead star
Answer the following in your notes 1. What will the sun become when it reaches old age? 2. What type of star can become a black hole? 3. Predict what will happen to the sun when it reaches old age
How do we categorize stars? Think pair share: are all stars in the universe similar to the sun? If so why, if not what characteristics might be different with different stars
Luminosity Measures how bright a star would be in relation to the sun, if all stars were the same distance from the observer. The luminosity of a star is related to its size, color, and temperature.
Temperature and Color How hot the surface of a star is. Hottest temperatures are blue, coolest are red.
Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram is a scatter plot of stars showing the relationship between the stars' absolute magnitudes or luminosities versus their stellar classifications or effective temperatures.
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Hottest Color? Blue
Coolest Color? Red
What is the color of our Sun? Yellow
Brightest and hottest stars? Blue Supergiants
Coolest and dimmest stars? Red Dwarfs
Procyon B is a: White Dwarf
Rigel is a: Blue Supergia nt
Betelgeuse is a: Red Supergia nt
Barnard’s Star is a: Red Dwarf
Our Sun and Alpha Centauri are: Main Sequence