UsefulChem project: Open source chemical research with blogs and wikis September 14, 2006 American Chemical Society National meeting in San Francisco
Where is Science headed? WE ARE HERE
The Robot Scientist
How will this happen? Self-organizing reduntant processes Agents can participate with zero or near-zero cost (free hosted services) Fully Open Access (Read and Write) Publication of all aspects of the scientific process: Open Source Science
How can machines know what is important? Ask the humans
UsefulChem Blog
What chemists think is important in 2005
Diketopiperazine Library First iteration: Solid Support Synthesis Evolves to: on pot Ugi reaction/cyclization
The Molecules Blog
The Experiments Blog
Comments from peers
The UsefulChem Wiki
Telling the story of the failures
Experiments moved to wiki
Experiment History
Experiment Edits
Third Party Time-Stamp on Experiment Versions
Monitoring experimental progress
How are people finding our experiments?
Molecules found by InChI
Automation in UsefulChem
CMLRSS feed on Bioclipse
CMLRSS feed on Bloglines
The value of peer review in finding information Before Internet -> “pre-validation” saves time when searching is laborious Fewer publications to keep track of After Internet -> online availability is more valuable when searching is fast and easy Many new publications - who are the peers?
The value of peer review in academia These are two separate problems: Communicating science Justifying the value of scholarship
Open science connectivity More info on open source science here
Extending the interaction outside of science
Next Steps Incorporate our molecules into Emolecules to enable substructure searching Custom CMLRSS feeds (e.g. only new commercial sources found) Get spectra in JCAMP format Extend our collaboration with other chemists (e.g. docking data) Get our anti-malarials made and tested
Acknowledgments Khalid Mirza (grad student) James Giammarco (undergrad) Lin Chen (undergrad) Dave Strumfels (cheminformatics) Bloggers (Egon Willighagen, Peter Murray-Rust, etc.)