Earth & Environmental Science Science Year III Welcome Earth & Environmental Science Science Year III
Expectations Prepared: I come into class everyday with my pencil and binder quickly/quietly ready to work. Respectful: I add to, not take away from the educational environment within the classroom. Independent: I take responsibility for my own understanding by asking questions and participating. Dedicated: I demonstrate my dedication to success by completing all assignments and projects on time. Empathetic: I will help other understand the material
Consequences….if I am not Prepared: then my learning and understanding will be hindered. Respectful: then I may have my seat changed, be removed from class, have to contact a parent about my disruptive behavior, or possible receive a discipline referral. Independent: then I may not gain a strong understanding of the material. Dedicated: then my grades will suffer. Empathetic: then I miss out on that great feeling that comes when I help another.
Notebook 1 ½ inch binder Loose leaf paper Colored pencils Pens: blue & red Ear buds Flash drive
Essential Standards Course Outline Put in the very front of Your binder
Hallway ~ Line up beside the teachers doorway ~ Noise level should be silent ~ Hands to your self ~ Locker breaks are before 3rd period get what you need for 3, 4, 5,6th ~Last Locker break will be after 6th period pack up for the day
Voice Levels 4 - outside 3 – groups 2 – partners 1 – whispers 0 - quiet
Hallway Expectations 1. Line up with Shoulder against Locker. 2. Line will form outside your next class. 3. Mouths will be closed. Level 1 or less.
This is all you are allowed to carry
GIVE ME 5 5. Minds Awake 4. Hands Still 3. Lips Quiet 2. Ears Listening 1. Eyes Looking
Seating Seating is based on activities and maturity