Institut Communal Technique Frans Fischer is located in Schaerbeek one of 19 municipalities of the Region of Brussels Belgium 788 students girls 51% boys 49% 112 teachers, an administrative team of 15 members Comenius 2013-2014
1 classified monument "Art nouveau" 1907 * 2 buildings 1 classified monument "Art nouveau" 1907 by architect Henri Jacobs, disciple of Horta. Comenius 2013-2014
36 classrooms, 1 staffroom, 1 exhibition venue 7 informatic labs (258 PC) connected to Internet 3 chemistery labs, 1 physics lab, 1 biology lab, we host the Advanced Technology Center in Chemistry 2 classrooms with historical and geographical softwares 1 documentation and information centre, 1 science library Comenius 2013-2014
1 classroom with full multimedia equipments 2 conference spaces, 1 computer graphics lab 1 hairdressing salon, 1 langage lab 3 teaching kitchens with restaurant 2 cafetaria 2 gymnasium, 1 climbing wall, 1 fitness centre 1 sport hall shared with 2 other schools Comenius 2013-2014
Our technical sections technical transition sections physical education computer science chemistry 2d degree accounting technical qualification sections chemistry 3d degree accounting host - tourism hood nurcing computer graphics Comenius 2013-2014
Professionnal sections Our professionnal sections Professionnal sections hairdressers office workers assistance to persons decoration Comenius 2011-2013
* We took part in a lot of European projects - organisation of the 1st « European Netdays" with video conference. J. Santerre (L), Edith Cresson (F) represented the European Commission and L. Onkelinck (B) from our department of education. - 3 Comenius school projects (H2O) - 1 Comenius lingua exchange - 4 Comenius assistant - Involved in the "Spring Day » with the participation of the European Commissaire and the Belgium Ministre who have the scientific department in charge Comenius 2013-2014
- Young Brussels’ Parlement of water since 2002 Comenius 2013-2014 Involved in the - Young Brussels’ Parlement of water since 2002 - U4ENERGY and Einstein and Marie Curie projects since 2010
Prices and nominations of our teachers for their individual or collective works - 1st price of teaching innovation Schola ULB for pilote conception (2008) - 1st price of the Reine Paola Fondation for education (2007) 2e price of the Reine Paola Fondation for education (2000) - Grand prix of Salon des « bacs pro » de la vente (FR) Adviser for graphic arts of the Commissariat Général aux Relations Internationales in Benin Illustrators and writers children’s books deleguate for the French Community of Belgium during the « European Spring day" » and U4Energy - European Language Label Comenius 2013-2014
Our weekly timetable 33 cursus of 50 minutes Comenius 2013-2014
A particularity, a chance Comenius 2013-2014 An added advantage For a successful year, we have: - a school of duties (lower cycle) - remediation sessions (uper cycle) A particularity, a chance Our school offers to students with disabilities to obtain - as we do- a regular education diploma (implantation IHRAM)
Have a look on our website : More informations ? Ask us, Have a look on our website : or better : visit us. It’s one opportunity offered by the Comenius programs. Comenius 2013-2014