Scale of integration
A simple system might rate integration on a scale of 0 (no or little integration), 1 (some integration) and 2 (full integration).
Indicators might include: Information Integration: • Information on routes, times and fares. • Availability of real time as well as static information. Ticketing and Fare Integration: Existence of integrated tickets and modal coverage. Availability of tickets at stops, on vehicles, central sales points, other ópublic places and from home.
Network Integration: • Investment in appropriate technologies (heavy rail, light rail, trolley bus, guided bus, conventional bus, demand responsive transport etc). • Design of timetabled interchange points to permit seamless travel.
Wider Integration: • Integration of public transport with other modes of transport. • Integration of transport with other services (social services, education, health care). • Integration of transport with urban and regional planning and with environmental policy. Source: NEA, OGM and TSU (2003)