Tropical Rain Forest The Tropical Rainforests have more biological diversity than other places on Earth. Almost all Tropical Rain Forests are found along the equator. This means that the Tropical Rain Forest have more kinds of plants and animals than any other land biome.
Tropical Rain Forest Many animals live in the canopy, or treetops. Tropical rainforests produce 40% of Earth's oxygen. Average yearly Rainfall: up to 400 cm Average Temperatures: Daytime: 930F and Nighttime 680F.
Tropical Rain Forest Many animals live on the ground of the forest. The rain forest has poor soil and most plants grow roots above the ground for added support.
Plants in the Tropical Rain Forest: About 1/4 of all the medicines we use come from rainforest plants. Bambusa tulda Coconut Trees Jambu Bengal Bamboo
Animals of the Tropical Rainforest: Orangutans sloth King Cobra (Asia) Toucan Chimpanzees
Tropical Rain Forest
Temperate Rain Forest: Temperate Rain Forest are found on the western edge of North and South America. Unlike the Tropical Rain Forest, the Temperate Rain Forest has seasons(fall, winter, spring, and summer). The Temperate Rain Forest receives from 60 to 200 inches of rain a year.
Temperate Rain Forest: Compared to the tropical rain forest, the temperate rain forest has less biological diversity. Plants: dogwoods, vine maples, thimbleberries Animals: Raccoons, Bears, wood peckers
Homework: Add illustrations/color to your flip book
Closing: Hot Seat (SIOP Training Strategy) A post it will be placed under various chairs around the room with different questions. Students with the post it under their chair, answer that question.