Title of presentation X-DIS/XBRL Project 6. Accounting Frameworks and Business Statistics Adolfo Rodriguez – Software AG Software AG 1/1/2019.


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Presentation transcript:

Title of presentation X-DIS/XBRL Project 6. Accounting Frameworks and Business Statistics Adolfo Rodriguez – Software AG Software AG 1/1/2019

XDIS/XBRL Project Definition – Task list - Index Task Name Task Description Task 1 Mapping of existing taxonomies First of all an inventory of all relevant taxonomies at the time of the start of this pilot will have to be established. A detailed line by line mapping exercise should be performed between the requirements in the relevant statistical legislation and these taxonomies. This will help determine whether the statistical requirements are not already available in the existing taxonomies. Task 2 Monitoring XBRL developments Other than the detailed analysis of the taxonomies, developments in existing XBRL projects in statistical and accounting domains should be monitored very closely. This will avoid duplicating efforts. Throughout the duration of the project, Eurostat should be kept informed of these developments and the possibilities for synergy with the pilot project should be outlined. Task 3 Creation of a statistical taxonomy Based on the outcome of task 3.1., it should be determined whether or not the creation of a statistical taxonomy is useful and desirable. It should also be established if a comprehensive taxonomy (encompassing all European statistical reporting requirements) should be created rather than taxonomies per statistical field (SBS, STS, BOP etc.). Member States could afterwards extend these taxonomies in order to integrate their own additional reporting requirements. Task 4 Test phase As suggested in the feasibility study, the taxonomies should be tested in a live environment with the cooperation of 2 or 3 NSIs. Each participating NSI would have to involve a sufficiently large number of enterprises in order to estimate the total population for which the taxonomies could be acceptable and subsequently used. A broad variety of enterprises should be covered (SMEs and listed companies, enterprises in different business lines, companies who are part of a group or consortium and individual businesses). In this phase it should also be investigated how XBRL reporting of microdata from enterprises to NSI can be brought in line with the subsequent SDMX reporting of aggregated data from NSI to Eurostat. Task 5 Acceptance If the test phase proves successful, it has to be established if XBRL can be proposed to the NSIs as a tool for their data collection from enterprises and whether the latter would be inclined to adopt it. Aspects of respondent burden, initial investment, and media to be used for data exchange and running costs will have to be investigated. Task 6 The use of XBRL in surveys by the NSIs A further issue to investigate is the use of XBRL in surveys. Is it realizable for enterprises to no longer send their information to the NSI, posting data instead on their websites? The data would be ‘picked up’ by the NSI via a web search engine with an XBRL-tag as search criterion.

Task 1. Mapping of existing taxonomies “First of all an inventory of all relevant taxonomies at the time of the start of this pilot will have to be established. A detailed line by line mapping exercise should be performed between these taxonomies and the requirements in the relevant statistical legislation. Thus it can be determined if the statistical requirements are not already available in the existing taxonomies”. Problem Statement: Demonstrated, on previous project, technical feasibility of XBRL as transport format for collecting statistical information. Great benefit!!!!!! A procedure, for working out common elements, is suggested on Task List Mapping for 3 countries concerned: Spain, Belgium and The Nederlands ¿relevant? -> (select an scope) -> SBS Objectives Reducing reporting burden, Reusing FR as much as possible, Evaluate willingness of NSI in modifying their processes and when. Questions European scoped taxonomy/taxonomies targeted for extension worthwhile? If 1, comprehensive taxonomy vs. one by statistical framework?


Task 1. Mapping findings Our findings: assuming current mappings on NSIs objective -> identify a common set of elements as source of an European taxonomy required making difference between GAAP vs. IFRS and FR vs. GL Based on items from an IFRS FR Spanish case Poor comparability information Based on a chart of accounts Based on items from a GAAP FR SBS broken down variables Belgian case Dutch case Different disclosures -> not possible to obtain a set of common items.

Task 1. Mapping findings SBS National FR taxonomy 1 National FR taxonomy 2 National FR taxonomy 3 ¿set of common elements? EU taxonomy mappings Our findings: supposing mappings against FR (GAAP) objective -> identify a common set of elements as source of an EU taxonomy Results from the mapping process A set of common items is empirically attainable A lot of extension from FR would be required Process reengineering on NSIs complicates acceptance

Task 1. Mapping findings All GAAP regulations transpose EU directives, so directives are the common set or layout of items SBS National FR taxonomy 1 National FR taxonomy 2 National FR taxonomy 3 ¿set of common elements? EU taxonomy mappings European taxonomy for GAAP could be drawn upon EU directives. It is not required an ad-hoc or empirical mechanism as the project suggests, neither availability of FR taxonomies for National GAAPs, FR, as primary mapping, can provide only a part of required disclosures, Risks of acceptance on process reengineering for GAAP. To prevent modifying NSI processes, maintain current ones (i.e. questionnaires) for GAAP scenario

Task 1. Conclusions GAAP and IFRS are different scenarios with different disclosures so they provide different mappings and must be analyzed separately. Topic GAAP scenarios IFRS scenarios Task 3. Implementation No (re)-analysis required Reusing variables on current questionnaires As a reference to match project targets Re-analysis required Consider technology, architecture, accounting, political requirements. Task 4. Testing Non-intrusive scenario Intended for extensibility (no testing) Task 5. Acceptance Backwards process compatibility Process reengineering required Align with IFRS process reengineering Depends on the approach, reinforcing necessity of analysis Project Questions: EU tax. worthy? One or more? FR useful? EU GAAP change process EU Taxonomy not worthy ----- Reusing FR not worthy, poor information quantity Analysis required for EU IFRS Acceptance would depend on offer. FR much richer than GAAP so positive feeling

Task 3. Implementation “Based on the outcome of task 3.1., it should be determined whether or not the creation of a statistical taxonomy is useful and desirable. It should also be established if a comprehensive taxonomy (encompassing all European statistical reporting requirements) should be created rather than taxonomies per statistical field (SBS, STS, BoP etc.). Member States could afterwards extend these taxonomies in order to integrate their own additional reporting requirements.”. For GAAP scenarios maintaining current processes. Minimum analysis required. DATA QUESTIONNAIRES XBRL TAXONOMY

Task 3. Taxonomía X-DIS/XBRL GAAP scenario – Spanish NSI dgi-lc-int-2006-01-09 dgi-lc-es-2006-01-09 dgi-dat-inf-2006-01-09 dgi-lc-ac-2006-01-09 dgi-gen-ex-2006-01-09 dgi-eco-bas-2006-01-09 Xdis-core-2006-07-01 Xdis-ser-2006-07-01 Xdis-ind-2006-07-01 Data Model

Task 3. Taxonomía X-DIS/XBRL GAAP scenario – Spanish NSI core Ref. xdis-core-2006-07-01 xdis-ser-2006-07-01 xdis-ind-2006-07-01 ind Label Pres. Calc. ser Ficheros de taxonomía DGI Investigating dimensions Services: http://www.ine.es/es/2006/xdis/ser/2006-01-07/role/EncuestaAnualServiciosAbreviada http://www.ine.es/es/2006/xdis/ser/2006-01-07/role/EncuestaAnualServiciosNormal Industry: http://www.ine.es/es/2006/xdis/ser/2006-01-07/role/EncuestaAnualIndustryAbreviada http://www.ine.es/es/2006/xdis/ser/2006-01-07/role/EncuestaAnualIndustryNormal

Task 3. Taxonomía X-DIS/XBRL IFRS scenario For IFRS scenarios (as a proof of concept) xdis-eu-sbs-ci-characteristics-2006-09-01.xsd xdis-eu-sbs-ci-variables-2006-09-01.xsd Var. Label Pres. IFRS-GP 2005 Char. Ref.

Task 4. Test “As suggested in the feasibility study, the taxonomies should be tested in a live environment with the cooperation of 2 or 3 NSIs. Each participating NSI would have to involve a sufficiently large number of enterprises in order to estimate the total population for which the taxonomies could be acceptable and subsequently used. A broad variety of enterprises should be covered (SMEs and listed companies, enterprises in different business lines, companies who are part of a group or consortium and individual businesses). In this phase it should also be investigated how XBRL reporting of microdata from enterprises to NSI can be brought in line with the subsequent SDMX reporting of aggregated data from NSI to Eurostat.”. For GAAP scenarios we have defined a non intrusive scenario defined. As such, it is expected to involve only IT departments. ? DB NATIONAL STATISTICS INSTITUTE ENTERPRISES XBRL format Web Services E-mail – SMTP FTP XBRL

? Task 4. Test Statistical Reporting NTP ext. IFRS-GP IFRS- GP UE IFRS EU IFRS testing process to be carried out shared with NTP experience Statistical Reporting SBS EXTENSION SBS LINKBASES NTP ext. IFRS-GP IFRS- GP UE IFRS ext. Financial Reporting ? NTP INSTANCE EU IFRS INSTANCE

XBRL is not just technology Task 5. Acceptance “If the test phase proves successful, it has to be established if XBRL can be proposed to the NSIs as a tool for their data collection from enterprises and whether the latter would be inclined to adopt it. Aspects of respondent burden, initial investment, and media to be used for data exchange and running costs will have to be investigated.”. GAAP maintains questionnaires (i.e. current process) so acceptance seems guaranteed Only IFRS scenarios are considered XBRL is not just technology POLITICAL / ACCOUNTING ISSUES Mutual dependences TECHNICAL FREEDOM ARCHITECTURE CONSTRAINTS

Task 5. Analysis on IFRS scenario According to project questions, 3 possibilities on IFRS scenario: Number of taxonomies EU Scope Taxonomies 1 n no ¿case 1? yes ¿case 2? ¿case 3? But there is a lot of freedom and unknown objectives that required definition to narrow down the problem… General Purpose FR tax European Statistics taxonomy National FR tax National Statistics taxonomy XBRL taxonomies Analysis for what are the objectives, minimize degrees of freedom…

Task 5. Analysis on IFRS scenario Identify high level objectives: Taxonomies based on EU FR -> Comparability on FR where the taxonomies are built-in User-Friendliness in the taxonomy production process, Non redundancy of concepts Minimal technical infrastructure Control on variables vs. decoupling roles Reusing FR as much as possible and FR meaning definition, either common FR or the mandatory FR Maintaining overall data model at a minimum Including validation rules on taxonomies for EU scope create extensible taxonomies based on EU FR directives Enable raising of tools at short or long term? Reducing data redundancy and i.e. reporting burden? Which FR? Intended control by EU Timelines Alignment with IASB/EFRAG evolution. Defining business cases i.e. possibility of business tools hiding the technical ones Data integration vs. process integration/collaboration? Reduce burden -> unify reporting necessities for different targets (Banking = SBS + FINREP…)

Task 5. Analysis on IFRS scenario Identify degrees of freedom: XBRL is a set of artifacts. The technical possibilities and suitability of the defined topology based on the options ... The accounting frameworks concerned (considering GAAP vs. IFRS should be a relevant issue) The statistical frameworks concerned (5 or 6 within EU scope) The sectors at stake, (6 in SBS but typically 3 at least, corresponding to the 3 accounting European Frameworks) The company size (listed, SME, groups) Several solutions for the mapping process (up to 6 source variables types) The current state of the art in accounting and statistical practice, relevant regulations and forthcoming stages in order to evaluate an implementation strategy The types of sources for data (6: FR, GL, variables from scratch, self referenced variables, administrative sources and rule of thumb variables) and therefore, several mapping possibilities per variable The national institutions per country with different policies and needs The acceptance by the institutions to modify their existing process as a consequence of the reengineering required if the collected data is modified The technical possibilities and suitability of the defined topology based on the options ...

Task 5. Analysis on IFRS scenario accounting POLITICAL / ACCOUNTING ISSUES ¿ Meta-accounting ? Mutual dependences TECHNICAL FREEDOM ARCHITECTURE CONSTRAINTS Metadata (XBRL) Data

Task 5. Analysis on IFRS scenario Evolution Standardization ENTERPRISE A ENTERPRISE B TECHNICAL FREEDOM ARCHITECTURE CONSTRAINTS POLITICAL / ISSUES Mutual dependences accounting accounting ¿ Meta-accounting ? PROCESS INTEGRATION ¿ Meta-accounting ? Hide technical complexity Business Level Tools We are here Metadata (XBRL) Metadata (XBRL) DATA EXCHANGE Today’s software (tech. level) (complex) Data Data

Task 6. Surveys “A further issue to investigate is the use of XBRL in surveys. Is it realizable for enterprises to no longer send their information to the NSI, posting data instead on their websites? The data would be ‘picked up’ by the NSI via a web search engine with an XBRL-tag as search criterion.”. Technical feasibility for use on surveys demonstrated on Tasks 3 and 4. For speaking about process integration, the previous issues must be uncovered the same applies for PUSH vs. PULL reporting models (it belongs to the process integration and therefore much to do yet before)


TAXONOMY PER FRAMEWORK Further works Find out and approve the strategy for XBRL adoption along Europe considering the detail. 1. work out the data models. Assuming a same scenario. STATISTICAL FRAMEWORKS EU TAXONOMIES ¿methodology? ? NSIs QUESTIONNAIRES NON EU TAXONOMY TAXONOMY PER FRAMEWORK UNIQUE TAXONOMY as evolution? + = ?

Further works Process: Work out data-models (***) core Label core Ref. Process: Work out data-models (***) criteria? -> objectives -> constraints Structure schemas Arrange linkbases ind Label ser Label ind Pres. ser Pres. ind Calc. ser Calc. ind Ref. ser Ref. statistical frameworks core Label TECHNICAL FREEDOM ARCHITECTURE CONSTRAINTS POLITICAL / ISSUES Mutual dependences core Ref. core Label core Label core Ref. core Ref. statistical frameworks

Some ideas about the data model Creating a counterpart taxonomy by EU regulation, but statistics requires further data than FR General Purpose FR European Statistics Regulation National FR National Statistics Extension FR tax Statistics taxonomy National tax National Statistics taxonomy EU Regulations XBRL taxonomies Creating a European Chart of accounts with the right “dimensions”, as a foundation, can require disclosing more information than requested Required a domain analysis ¿By using algebra, an let a computer does the data model?  Required disclosures Raw financial concepts Relationships Required concepts
