Week 6 Fatemeh Yazdiananari
Binary Progress Split 1 with –b 1
Binary Currently Binary code works for -b 1; however, not for -b 0 Step to solution: instead of taking maximum of decision value try minimum
STIP Smaller dataset for test run of BoW Adjusted BoW code to load in STIP features STIP features currently being loaded 36.3 GB for 50 classes (Part 1) Hard maxed waiting to clear up space
DTF UCF101 features have been obtained and are being downloaded onto computer Total size: 1.71 TB Downloaded 1.02 TB in 2days (maxed) New Hard, Copying 1.03TB (12hours) Validation Set is still awaiting cluster
Annotation of Validation Set Have two sets of classes, set A and B Set A has 20 classes Set B has 81 classes Looking through Set B to see if any of the Set A actions occur
Last Week De-bugging of Binary code Implementation of BoW (done) Extraction of UCF101
Predicted time: Finish step 1&2 and start step 3 next week. Next Steps Confirming the accuracy of binary SVMs for UCF101 (Binary compared to Mulit-Class SVM) Forming the BoW histograms of the UCF101 videos and re-running the process Performing frame-level quantization of features Frame by frame BoW Extracting features from the Thumos2014 validation set videos Predicted time: Finish step 1&2 and start step 3 next week.