Propaganda WHAT? - A message used to persuade you to believe something or do something WHY? - To persuade you to buy something, think something, or do something. WHO? - Corporations, Government, & Individuals WHERE? - Commercials Packaging Speeches Stores Billboards Internet Newspapers Everywhere! HOW? There are 9 propaganda techniques we will learn today!
Whose voice guides My choice? One Main Question to keep in mind when looking at Propaganda is … Whose voice guides My choice?
I know you have seen this before… Where did you see this? During what time in history was this displayed? What is the picture expressing? This is Propaganda…
You are on the right track! If you spend 1-2 hours on your smartphone and roughly 1-2 hours watching TV … You will typically see about 30-40 ads per day through mass media. All of these people are trying to influence your personal decisions. If companies did not think you could be influenced, they would not spend billions of $ dollars on it!
1. Bandwagon Everybody is doing this. Join the crowd! You must JOIN in to FIT in! Bandwagon works because it makes you think you should do this too.
Other Examples of BandWagon Why is this Bandwagon Propaganda? Video Example: T-Mobile What do you notice … watch closely. tch?v=VQ3d3KigPQM
2. Loaded Words Love Hate Using words that will make people feel strongly about someone or something. This technique works because it makes you feel a certain way … What words are used in these ads to make us feel a certain way?
3. Fear Plays on our deep-seated fears and warns the audience that disaster will strike if we do not follow the instructions.
4. Testimonial Using words and images of a famous person or an expert to persuade. Testimonials work because you feel like you can trust the words of an expert or someone famous. If we drink milk we will all be as famous and as strong as superman…right?
More Examples of Testimonial Have you seen a commercial with your favorite celebrity and thought “I want what they have”? DO9hP-xKL8
5. Transfer / Emotional Using images to bring up strong feelings or emotions in order to persuade. Transfer works because you transfer the happy feelings you associate with a picture to happy feelings about a person or product. (This can also work with bad/sad feelings)
Transfer / Emotional Example Coke Happiness Machine
6. Repetition Using repeated messages or pictures to persuade. Repetition works because you remember things better when you’ve seen or heard it more than once.
7. Name-Calling Links a person, idea, or product to a negative symbol. Name-calling works because if we believe the competition is bad, we can assume this product will be the best choice. This is used in Politics … h?v=U80ebi4AKgs Where’s the Beef?
8. Plain Folks An every day person or people that sell a product or a device seeks to make the leader appear ordinary, and more trustworthy.
9. Glittering Generalities Words that sound attractive or catchy, but really don’t mean anything. These are just: logical fallacies - > a deceptive, misleading, or false notion or belief Based on the words used to sell, the customer thinks they are getting something better than what it really might be. “It’s 100% organic!” NEW! Buy Now! This cosmetic will make you look younger
How does this Also relate to Social Studies, politics, and science? kAeGmg&list=PL2Rf1R6EcGZQt1pYA4_ T7MUh2zGhVlqDY&index=4 sMDjc8g&index=2&list=PL2Rf1R6EcGZQ t1pYA4_T7MUh2zGhVlqDY
What were all those techniques? 1.Bandwagon 2.Loaded Words 3. Fear 4. Testimonial 5.Transfer /Emotional 6.Repetition 7.Name-Calling 8. Plain Folks 9. Glittering Generalities
Now lets see if you can Identify Propaganda … Gallery Walk Rules Stay with your group to complete the assignment Everyone must discuss and contribute All talking should be focused on the propaganda