BINGO ENTRANCE REQUEST – TO BE RETURNED TO CLASS TEACHER WITH PAYMENT Family Bingo The Manor Park School Association (MPSA) next event is Family Bingo which will be hosted by an extra special Bingo caller! We also have some FANTASTIC prizes!! This is a family event and we would love to see Mums, Dads, Carers and Grandparents join in. Children in Nursery through to Year 4 MUST be accompanied by an adult. Year 5 and Year 6 children are permitted to attend on their own. Date: Friday 5th October in School. Venue: School Time: Doors will open after school. Eyes Down: 3:30pm. Event Finish: 4:45pm Price: The price for each child is £4. This entitles the child to six games of Bingo plus a hot dog and drink. If a parent has more than 2 children, we offer the 3rd and subsequent children at the reduced price £2. Accompanying adults are free to enter and may buy their tickets on the night or in advance (£2 for 6 games). Refreshments for adults will be available to purchase on the night. Entrance: Please complete the form below and hand it into your child's class teacher. We will have a list of all people attending the event (tickets will not be issued). We expect this to be a popular event. Please return the slip below by Friday 28th September.We hope to see a “full house”! BINGO ENTRANCE REQUEST – TO BE RETURNED TO CLASS TEACHER WITH PAYMENT BY FRIDAY 28th SEPTEMBER Adult 1 Name____________________________Adult 2 Name_____________________________ Child 1 Name ____________________________Year____Class Teacher_________Ticket Price £4 Child 2 Name ____________________________Year____Class Teacher_________Ticket Price £4 Child 3 Name ____________________________Year____Class Teacher_________Ticket Price £2 Child 4 Name ____________________________Year____Class Teacher_________Ticket Price £2 Additional Bingo cards required. Please State how many________________________ Ticket Price £2 My child is in Year 5/Year 6 and will be attending on their own and will be collected at 5pm. Yes/No I enclose £ ______________________________ Phone number:___________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature______________________________ Date______________________