Do Now Finish summaries we started yesterday in class 15 minutes
Agrarian Society
Agrarian Society society whose economy is based on producing and maintaining crops and farmland America began as a colony of England (mercantilism) with the sole purpose of providing exports for England Tobacco, Indigo, rice, timber etc. Farming culture Make a living through farming Economy based on goods produced from farming Inventions focused on improving farming
Subsistence v. Plantation Farming Subsistence: make enough for you and your family Most American families Plantation Farming: mass produce one crop to sell or trade later for the others things you need Wealthy land-owners/ contracts from England
Barter Economy Trading things grown on your farm for goods/services from someone else Ex: trade cotton for tobacco or trade a cow for harvesting help What are some potential problems with this system?
Barter Activity Directions: Item Key Corn bushel Cotton bale Squash barrel Sugar pounds Oxen 1 Rice Cow labor 1 day Beans bag Tobacco slaves people Directions: Using your trading sheet barter for the items you need. Keep track of what items you are giving and what items you are receiving for them (Barter Tracker) You will have 20 minutes to get what you need!!!
Wednesday Discussion What are the pros and cons of this kind of economic system? What would you do to improve this system? Is there potential for growth? Is this system ideal for a large growing nation?