Welcome My name I’m here to tell you a little bit about what Computer Science is. What would it be like to be a computer science major at UNCW? What would your life be like if you majored in Computer Science? Just what is Computer Science. Before I start talking about what Computer Science, there is something we need to talk about : Jobs Because of all the talk of out-sourcing and the .dot-com crash, many people became leery of the technology sector. Is the job environment good? What will it be like 5 years from now? 10 years? In answering this question, you’ll see that I have a scientific disposition when it comes to answering questions like that. Computer Science is a Science. What does that mean? What do scientists do? What is a scientific disposition? What we do: Make hypotheses and then test them. So here’s a hypothesis you may have heard today: <NEXT SLIDE> CSC 100 Orientation to Computer Science Today’s Lecturer: Dr. Eric Patterson
Mr. Maurice Benson (CS/IS Grad Student) For Next Week (2/27) Mr. Maurice Benson (CS/IS Grad Student) Reading is posted on calendar http://people.uncw.edu/ricanekk/teaching/spring09/csc100/calendar.htm
Dr. Eric Patterson Academic Background Professional Background Ph.D. Computer Engineering Clemson University Professional Background Join CSC Dept in 2002 Associate Professor Computer Science Founding Member of Face Aging Group Research Aspects of analyzing and modeling the human face in images and three dimensions. Computer graphics and animation techniques and applications. Multimedia, signal processing, pattern recognition, and applications. Computer gaming, digital filmmaking, and other computer arts.