M1-How to write the comparison


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Presentation transcript:

M1-How to write the comparison Unit 3 Introduction to Marketing

What do you see in this picture

What do you see in this picture

Compare the Two Offices Similarities Differences


Lesson Objective M1 compare marketing techniques used in marketing products in two organisations Produce an essay which compares the marketing techniques used by Subway to Market the Sub and those used by Tesco to market the club card. i.e Say which techniques are used by Tesco Which techniques are used by Subway Which ones are the same, why Which ones are different why Conclude-sum up your findings-your opinion

Some: Produce detailed comparison with explanation and examples of all techniques in practice Most : Produce a comparison of the marketing technique used with examples All: Produce a comparison of the techniques used by both organisations and at least one difference M 1 Compare marketing techniques used in marketing products in two organisations

Task 1 Create Venn Diagram which shows the marketing techniques used by organisation 1 and organisation 2 and those used by both. Next think why is each technique used by the organisation- add to diagram Now write up your findings. M 1 Compare marketing techniques used in marketing products in two organisations Look at your work on Tesco for M1- in the margin number each technique you have identified they use. Now do the same for Subway Which techniques were used by both Subway and Tesco- match the numbers

Tesco used relationship marketing to promote the club card Tesco used relationship marketing to promote the club card. They did this by offering the card to it’s existing customers and offering them points for every £1 they spent. This encouraged customers to return (i.e become loyal). Tesco did this to build a relationship with its customers. The club card records all products a customer buys, this enables Tesco to offer them related goods. It also means Tesco have customers contact details on their database so can contact them direct with details of new products and services. The card was promoted in store through leaflets, application form and by check out staff. It was also part of an advertising campaign which saw Prunella Scales collect points and swap them for treats. The Club Card enables Tesco to use relationship marketing more effectively and allow them to build on the existing relationship they have with all their customers by selling them more products and services. Subway used relationship marketing by offering a loyalty card, where customers could collect stamps each time they visited and earn free products. This was designed to build on their existing relationship but did not allow for the relationship to be used to market new products. New products could only be offered if the customer returned to store. Subway have recently introduced a loyalty card similar to the Tesco club card, once they build up a database of the customers and their spending habits, they will be able to use the relationship to promote new and existing products direct to the customer in their own home. This could encourage them to come into the shop.

Tesco used relationship marketing to promote the club card Tesco used relationship marketing to promote the club card. They did this by offering the card to it’s existing customers and offering them points for every £1 they spent. This encouraged customers to return (i.e become loyal). Tesco did this to build a relationship with its customers. The club card records all products a customer buys, this enables Tesco to offer them related goods. It also means Tesco have customers contact details on their database so can contact them direct with details of new products and services. The card was promoted in store through leaflets, application form and by check out staff. It was also part of an advertising campaign which saw Prunella Scales collect points and swap them for treats. The Club Card enables Tesco to use relationship marketing more effectively and allow them to build on the existing relationship they have with all their customers by selling them more products and services. Subway used relationship marketing by offering a loyalty card, where customers could collect stamps each time they visited and earn free products. This was designed to build on their existing relationship but did not allow for the relationship to be used to market new products. New products could only be offered if the customer returned to store. Subway have recently introduced a loyalty card similar to the Tesco club card, once they build up a database of the customers and their spending habits, they will be able to use the relationship to promote new and existing products direct to the customer in their own home. This could encourage them to come into the shop. Relationship marketing is used by both Subway and Tesco to build a relationship with the customer, encourage and reward loyalty, whilst trying to get them to buy more products. Tesco use this technique more frequently and effectively than Subway but this is because they have many more products and services to offer, so can build on the existing relationship

M 1 Compare marketing techniques used in marketing products in two organisations The Comparison Merge both your documents so that the marketing techniques that are used by both Tesco and Subway are put together. Then the Techniques used by only one organisation can be put at the end. You have now identified the techniques which they both use. Compare how they are used in both organisations is it the same? How , why is that. Is it different, if so How and why is that. Now explain the techniques used only By Tesco, how they are used and why they are only used by Tesco and not by Subway Next explain the techniques used only By Subway, how they are used and why they are only used by Subway and not by Tesco Finally write a conclusion, what did you find out? What do you notice about the techniques? Are they used on their own? Or do they compliment each other and are used together?

Deadline All work fully completed Name in Header or Footer Spell Checked Grammar Checked By 12.00 on 13.1.11 If not handed in, you will not achieve M1