CSC 253 Lecture 7
Storage Classes Of the following storage class modifiers, extern auto register const volatile static which are in some sense “opposites”? which of them are mutually exclusive?
static variables Let’s write a program that demonstrates what a static variable does. What are some uses of static variables?
Let’s try a program with externs Declare int i in one file. Declare int j in another file. Declare one function in each of the two files. What do we need to do to use all the variables and functions from a single main()? What happens if we make them static? Why?
Common errors Let’s write programs demonstrating these … Same name, different type this would occur if you used extern to declare a variable, but then gave it a different type than its original declaration. Multiple different definitions of the same function with external scope.
Variable # of arguments Let’s write a sum function that takes a variable number of arguments.