Arthur’s Reading Race Day 1 Created by: Melissa Castañeda
Question of the Day What is your favorite story? Tell why. I like the story _______ because _______.
Word Wall read buy money eat know
Short Vowels: /a/a, /i/i ask add ant act ill in inch if
CVC Pattern pat dig flag list grass
Spelling Words flag fin ran has fill sat list sit bag win Challenge Words: picnic plastic rabbit fabric napkin
Listening Comprehension Beginning Middle End
Grammar The wolf stretched in the grass. stretched in the grass
Arthur’s Reading Race Day 2 Created by: Melissa Castañeda
Question of the Day Which do you like to read more--stories or poems? Tell why. I like _______ because _______.
Word Wall read buy money eat know
Short Vowels: /a/a, /i/i fin
Short Vowels: /a/a, /i/i Jose made a list of things he needs for school. Bill ran around the track very fast. The fastest runner will win a prize. Jin sat in a soft chair to read. I hope my lunch bag has a special treat in it.
High-Frequency Words already prove sign police eight
Genre Study Character Character
Grammar To play soccer I like. ______________________________ Has white paws my cat. Apples are my fruit favorite. I signs read town around. My snack favorite popcorn is. Every day walk to school I.
Arthur’s Reading Race Day 3 Created by: Melissa Castañeda
I like books that tell ____________ Question of the Day Which do you like to read more--books that tell facts and information or books that tell stories? Explain. I like books that tell ____________ because ___________.
Word Wall already prove sign police eight
Short Vowels: /a/a, /i/i -ack -an -ap -ick -in -ip
Spelling Words flag fin ran has fill sat list sit bag win Challenge Words: picnic plastic rabbit fabric napkin
High-Frequency Words already prove sign police eight
Grammar He buys ice cream for his sister. The building is open. my favorite color is red ______________________________ she was born in New York the children take the bus to school the park is closed today
Arthur’s Reading Race Day 4 Created by: Melissa Castañeda
Question of the Day What do you think a bookworm is? I think a bookworm is___________.
Word Wall already prove sign police eight
CVC Pattern nap napkin number picnic muffin basket matkit radpill midlip spanzick flistam
Short vowels: /a/a, /i/i and Spelling Words bug flat mist fit tin run fall sap hat fun
Genre Study Character Character
Grammar She went to the store. They like to play games. Mom found my socks. We ride our bikes.
Arthur’s Reading Race Day 5 Created by: Melissa Castañeda
Question of the Day What would you do if you saw a bookworm at the library? If I saw a bookworm at the library, I would ___________.
Word Wall already prove sign police eight
rabbit, flat, hill, plastic, fabric, glad, zigzag CVC Pattern rabbit, flat, hill, plastic, fabric, glad, zigzag 1 syllable 2 syllables
already, eight, police, prove, sign High-Frequency Words buy, eat, know, money, read, already, eight, police, prove, sign 1 syllable 2 syllables 3 syllables
Genre Study Character Character
Robust Vocabulary
Grammar signs around town ______________________________ to the library In the morning To cross the street we want