IRF6708S2 and IRF6728M DirectFET® MOSFET Chipset Tailored for Cost Sensitive DC-DC Applications PRESS RELEASE DATA SHEETS HI-RES GRAPHIC The IRF6708S2 and IRF6728M 30V DirectFET MOSFET chipset tailored for cost sensitive 19V input synchronous buck applications such as notebooks. The IRF6708S2 and IRF6728M feature IR’s latest generation 30V MOSFT silicon. In addition to low RDS(on) and charge, the new devices leverage the low parasitic resistance inductance and superior cooling ability of the DirectFET package. DirectFET® PAGE Features IRF6708S2PbF Low charge and RDS(on) for reduced switching and conduction loss IRF6728MPbF Low RDS(on) to minimize conduction loss Integrated Monolithic Schottky Diode for reduced body diode conduction and reverse-recovery losses. Advantages The IRF6708S2 Small Can and IRF6728M Medium Can devices reduce component count by 30 percent to drastically reduce overall system cost. The new DirectFET MOSFETs feature low charge and on-state resistance to minimize conduction and switching losses. The IRF6728M features a monolithically integrated Schottky that reduces losses associated with body diode conduction and reverse recovery. December 2010