Hulda Anna Arnljótsdóttir Iðunn Antonsdóttir


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Presentation transcript:

Hulda Anna Arnljótsdóttir Iðunn Antonsdóttir The role of the social partners in Adult learning and recent developments Hulda Anna Arnljótsdóttir Iðunn Antonsdóttir Fræðslusetrið Starfsmennt│ Ofanleiti 2 │ Sími: 550-0060│

Key figures 2010 from labour market survey Working age population Ca. 220.000 Labour force (16-74) 181,000 (180,900) Participation rate 81.1% (80.9%) Average number of unemployed 13,700 (13,100) Unemployment (regist.) 7.6% (7.2%) Working hours average 39.5 (39.6) Working hours- full time 44.8 (44.8) Source: Statistics Iceland

Unemployment 1992-2009 (registered)

Unemployment by age Thea youth unemploymnet rate has consistently been higher than the overall unemploymnet rate. Last in first out rules seems to affect young people more severely at times of restructuring

Youth to Action The aim is: The goal is: to tackle long-term unemployment among young people 16 – 24 years of age The goal is: to activate them within three months of unemployment intensive guidance and counselling motivate them to seek further education participate in other learning activities Participation is obligatory - Mutual obligations The goal is to activate them by offering them intensive guidance and counselling and motivate them to seek further education or participate in other learning activities. Referral to Active labourmarket programs ALMP to prevent loss of motivation, skills and employability. The strategies is to activate them with the help of high quality employment services and encourage them to become more active in their efforts to find work and/or improve their employability. An implementation of the principle of mutual obligations

Education of all unemployed in January 2011

Educational level of workforce People on the labour market: 36% have not completed upper secondary school 30% have completed upper secondary school 16% have completed other schools on upper secondary level or higher 18% have a university degree

Fighting early school-leaving Dropout of secondary education is the most urgent social problem in Iceland and should be given a special attention To prevent dropout should be a priority task A comprehensive policy programme To fight youth unemployment To reduce early school leaving New opportunities of education and training “not more of the same” These people are not only at high risk of unemployment at young a age, tehy also remain vulnerable to unemployment and inactivity throughout their life. Therefore it is a good initiative to develop a comprehensive policy programme to fight youth unemployment and reduce early school leaving and offering

Measures available New legislation Collaborative forum of various stakeholders Simplify the fragmented system New support measures: Recognition of qualification, Guidance and counselling, New educational programmes, “alternative school”, motivation and marketing Learning culture in the work place and strengthening of career development Incr. contribution from employers to educ. and training funds Rehabilitation and active uppskilling of competences NQF EQM Educational measures on the forefront Intensive guidance and counselling to monitor the progress and offer individuals better follow up New tailor-made courses have been developed in cooperation with many educational providers Cooperation with Adult education centre – LLL centres Collage diploma with selected collages Job-training Volunteer work

Who are the players? LLL center LLL center LLL center LLL center - Network of Lifelong learning Centres in Iceland LLL center LLL center LLL center

LLL/CVT and The Social Partners Collective labour market bargaining supports LLL/CVT Sectoral Vocational Training funds established The employer/government pays % on top of wages Grants for individuals, institions/companies and projects Has had great impact on LLL and Adult Education for decades The financial crises increased participation in LLL (gov.initiative) Network models, cooperation, cohesion- simplify the system Same language: NQF, learning outcome, accredidation Meet learners need- create and be flexible but focused (EQM) Work place learning – institutional learning Guidance and Career development/pathways Strengthen learning cultures in all areas Fræðslusetrið Starfsmennt│ Ofanleiti 2 │ Sími: 550-0060│

Fræðslusetrið Starfsmennt│ Ofanleiti 2 │ Sími: 550-0060│ IPA- increase the employability of low-qualified workers via skills recognition Goal 20/20: decrease the ratio of unskilled workers from 32% to 20% before the 2020. New skills, update skills, meet modern challenges, open access Recognition of qualifications/prior learning Funded by the EU Collaborative forum of stakeholders Skills need analysis – future trends of labour market need 52 validation projects (40 against curriculum), 6 on job requirements and 6 on basic skills Web-portal on job-profiles and studies Fræðslusetrið Starfsmennt│ Ofanleiti 2 │ Sími: 550-0060│

The quality cycle..... Design and development Collaborative management Marketing Implement Evaluation Transfer of innov.. Initiative and preparation Need-analyses Focus groups Taylor made curriculum for institution Individual educational choices Web- based management Learning outcomes Long term overview of courses Making of educational materials   Management team formed Sub-groups formed Widespread participation Flexibility Special work related issues discussed: Work-load, anxiety, wages, teaching hours, grants and support to study, need for counselling and motivation?? Awareness -waking of the importance of LLL Web-new Brochures IT- target groups Ads Articles, presentations etc. Contracts with educational entites all over the country Teaching can take place everywhere, if standards are followed. LLL/CVT is a part of the job Adult edcuational methods Many ways to evaluate Best teachers found on the market Web based evaluation after each course Results available right away Personal IT- working area IT-overview of all courses taken Missing: the performance overall- did education take place? Did anything change at work. Transfer of knowlegde into other programmes Hot issues: Competences EQF Motivation APL  Career development

With greetings from Iceland

Fræðslusetrið Starfsmennt│ Ofanleiti 2 │ Sími: 550-0060│