Synthesis Research Paper Turn It In Registration Codes: Due Monday, April 30th for a summative grade.
Please be aware: This assignment is slightly different than Mr Please be aware: This assignment is slightly different than Mr. Frost’s classes. Make sure you are looking at the deadlines, requirements, and expectations for the paper you have been given, not one from a friend. These are hot button issues for a reason; there is no clear cut right answer. I don’t care which side you pick as long as you can support your ideas!
Option 1
Option 2
A visual source is required and must be in your essay A visual source is required and must be in your essay. Make sure you are understanding the visual correctly before using it!
All three sources in this format are due Monday, April 23rd at the beginning of the period. They need to be printed, not on a flash drive or shared through Google.
Synthesis Research Essay Steps Choose between the two synthesis prompts after reading the provided sources for each option. Create an informal outline of your argument today as a starting point. Research potential sources to support your argument (as well as acknowledge concessions). We will be in the lab for the next few days. Finalize your three sources (one visual and two print). Create Source Forms D, E, and F using blank source form template. Make sure to use correct MLA citations ( Include a short, italicized sentence to establish the author’s ethos and potential background context. You might need to condense the article to fit the one page limit. The final formatted sources are due Monday, April 23 at the beginning of class. Update your outline as needed to showcase source support for each paragraph. Remember that you need to use five of the six sources. Start drafting the essay. Make sure your argument is central. Use the sources as support. Remember, you can use “outside” information for support as well. These do not count toward your source total. “Outside” knowledge should directly connect to your argument and the sources. Finish essay draft, and make sure that you’ve properly documented your sources (attributed to source letter and author’s last name). Have someone read over your essay for content and grammar. You also need to read it, preferably outloud, to help you catch any issues with clarity. Final essay is due Monday, April 30th. You must turn in a hard copy in class, and the submission is due that morning at 7:15 a.m.