Labour price index Nathalie Peltzer, 10-10-2017
Content Labour price index Sources Method Results Other statistics on labour costs Questions
What is labour price index? The labour price index provides information on the development of labour cost per hour worked by employees, corrected for changes in personnel structure. What remains after correction for such changes in personnel structure is a pure price change of labour.
Purpose Development of the labour price index; to have a pure price change of labour Used in press releases Used in contracts?
Sources Monthly insurance policy administration database (integral); Institute for Implementation of Employees' Insurances (UWV) Data on pension contributions; statistics on index figures of collectively negotiated wages Data regarding the highest level of education; Social Statistical Datasets (SSD)
Quality features of labour Gender x age group x education level x industrial category x whether or not work under a collective labour agreement = 4608 weighting cells Six age groups Three education levels: low, middle, high 64 industrial groups* *Working level, the publication level is more aggregated.
Results Structural effect and jobs of employees* * Jobs are defined according to ESA2010 guidelines
Results The development of wage costs per hour worked 2006-2016*
Other statistics on labour costs Contractual wage costs; contractual wage costs of full-time employees whose wages are fixed in collective labour agreements Four-yearly labour costs survey; Compensation of employees, education costs and other costs such as in-house medical costs Labour costs index (LCI)
Labour price index and LCI Population is different; LCI covers the economic activities of industry and services and the LPI concerns all economic activities LCI is not free of structural changes LCI is a quarterly index First figures of the LCI are released within 70 days, based on quarterly flash estimates. LPI is based on a regular quarter (t+85)
Labour price index and LCI