Pre AP – September 19, 2017 Do now… Grab a laptop Discuss expectations for the conclusion (quick notes) Remaining time… Work on essay! Last class day - Essay due on Monday!!! Bring Feed with you tomorrow!
Expectations for the Conclusion Specific General
Do not just “restate the thesis” – Revisit main arguments and remind the reader once more of all the reasons he/she should care about your topic, and of all the wonderful evidence you provided to convince him/her that your topic matters.
Come Full Circle – You should “give a nod” to your hook somewhere in your conclusion. The general statement (or at least the idea behind your statement) that you made in the hook should, in some way, make its way back to the conclusion.
Why should your reader care? Answer: So what?? Explain the Implications – Take the topic of your essay beyond this specific topic and tell your reader why it matters in the big picture. Why should your reader care? Answer: So what??
In the Conclusion Paragraph NEVER EVER EVER. . . use clichés which sound good but mean nothing (This proves that life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’ll get) blatantly refer to the actual essay ("this essay shows you...“ or “as you can see from the information presented above…”) introduce new arguments, evidence, or details blatantly repeat the thesis sound repetitive or list-like leave readers frustrated after reading an otherwise wonderful paper!
My Hook Actions have consequences My Hook Actions have consequences. This is a lesson most individuals have been taught since childhood… My thesis: …Americans should not willingly give up their individual freedoms. Doing so could result in loss of privacy, loss of protection, and loss of identity. Authors George Orwell, someone else, and someone else, use their works to inform their audience of these possible dangers.
Sample Conclusion Actually RESTATED my thesis (said it in a new way) The implications of giving away too many personal freedoms are far reaching. Modern thinkers like Orwell, someone else, and someone else have shown that doing so can result in the corruption of governing bodies and the manipulation of its citizens. Americans must stop being so complacent, and take their privacy back. The consequences of failing to do so, and giving the government too much control, may result in a greater threat to safety from within, than from without. Came full circle and explained implications
Genre Read THotS today with audio Begin chapter 17 (?)