Jason Haigh The Business of Providing
Providing Our organisations are in the business of providing $ 80 / 20 principle (Vilfredo Pareto’s formula) 80% of the wealth controlled by 20% of the population Can be applied generally to most segments and activities Majority income from minority of our donors Majority sponsorship from minority of our corporate relationships Majority volunteering from minority of our volunteers
Segmenting our Supporters Focus on particular segments
Where to put our efforts Target our efforts on the “major” givers $12M $3M 2000 8000 10% = $300,000 Via 800 new donors 10% = $1,200,000 Via 200 new donors
Understanding our Supporters Propensity to support our cause Connection to us Has the wealth Inclination Affinity Capacity $
Qualified Supporters thankQ Affinity Scoring Research Inclination Capacity $ thankQ Segmentation & Donor Pyramid thankQ Capacity & Feasibility Identification Qualification thankQ Prospecting Module
Prospecting thankQ Moves Module thankQ Affinity Tracking thankQ Cultivation Solicitation Acknowledge & thanks Stewardship No, but still interested Increasing engagement (affinity) Yes Continued involvement Additional interest No interest or potential thankQ Affinity Tracking thankQ Communication Automation
thankQ Prospecting Module Workflow Targetted giving Feasibility – Capacity / Affinity scoring History
thankQ Feasibility; Capacity & Affinity Assists identification Low Capacity High Affinity High Capacity High Affinity Low / Unknown Capacity Low / Unknown Affinity High Capacity Low Affinity Annual Giving Great volunteers Wonderful surprises Cultivate Ready to solicit
thankQ Affinity Module Identifies unknowns Allows different approach Positive circle of engagement
thankQ Affinity Band has 1500 people For a given segment / band (e.g. $ 500 - $1,000) Affinity identifies “more engaged people” Cultivate in a different way… Band has 1500 people 10% = 150 people with higher affinity 15 people go from $ 500 to $ 2,500 Total = $ 37,500
thankQ Automation Automate Communications; emails, sms and printed letters Automated tracking; opens, clicks and sms replies Constant contact and updates Automate payment processing; pledges and payments Automated triggers; e.g. call centre function for failed payments Automated Communications builds Affinity
Why does it work? $12M $3M 2000 8000 10% = $300,000 Via 800 new donors thankQ has ALL the information Completely accessible / No silos thankQ business rules can target ANYTHING thankQ automation does work we would not have done previously thankQ automation reduces cost & increases capability for stewardship thankQ prospect tools; capacity, affinity, moves & donor pyramid facilitates improved cultivation $12M $3M 2000 8000 10% = $300,000 Via 800 new donors 10% = $1,200,000 Via 200 new donors