The Economy-Upper and Lower Canada
Railways are being constructed....
Ships are being built in Britain…but with Canadian wood……
Canals are being constructed that connect cities like Mtl Canals are being constructed that connect cities like Mtl./Toronto/Ottawa etc…and the United States
Steamships can go anywhere against the current… Steamships can go anywhere against the current….for pleasure,vacation etc….
Railways can go anywhere….
Rebuilding Lachine Canal-Why?
Industries and factories grew…
Why do steamships become important to the Canadian economy ?
Reflection-Economy 1800-1867 After watching the slideshow respond in a short par… What is happening to the Canadian economy during this time period ? hint: If Canada makes a product and we can sell it to another country what must happen ,and is this good for our economy ? Use the following terms to help with your story…. Exports/wheat decreased/wood increased/Britain builds ships with wood/ railways/canals/ industrialization/ wood banks/economy/steamships.
Reflection What did I learn about the Canadian economy from 1800 – 1867 ?