Eurostat User Satisfaction Survey Antonio Consoli User support network meeting 27 February 2013
Introduction Types of surveys Survey methodology Structure of the questionnaire Some results Follow up Main issues
Types of survey General user satisfaction survey - conducted annually (since 2012) - covering users' satisfaction with all data and services provided by Eurostat 2) Themed user satisfaction survey - covering specific statistical domains This presentation focus mainly on the general user satisfaction survey.
Methodology Online questionnaire in IPM Anonymous access (users may give their details if they wish so) Yearly frequency (management request) Open for about 2 months Stable questionnaire (to compare with previous editions)
Publicity Message to all users registered on Eurostat website (about 86000 in 2012) Special message to 'key users' (around 600) by Director of B and reminder Banner on the website home page Twitter ESS website Result: 3101 respondents in 2012
Structure of the questionnaire Users information (type and country) 28 questions on Use of European statistics, including products and publications (6) Quality of statistics (6) Trust (1, new) Dissemination, metadata and services (13) Overall evaluation and change (2) Respondents can add free text comments
Example of results, importance of statistics for different uses
Assessment of overall quality per statistical area
Trust Personally how much trust do you have in statistics produced by Eurostat?
Satisfaction with user support
Overall satisfaction with the quality of the data and services
Differences in the accessibility of metadata by user groups, in % points (2012 compared to 2011)
Next steps Report was published on Eurostat website on 08/11/2012 ( Concrete improvement actions for 2013 were defined Survey will be launched in 2013 with the same structure, methodology and timing (spring) Try to improve number of responses from journalists
Main issues (Q2012) Frequency (shorter/longer survey interval) Stability and comparability Representativeness (having different user groups covered) Technical tools and publicity Privacy Benchmarking against NSIs and other international organisations ( Thank you for your attention