Symbolism Behind Weather By: Austin & Margo
Rain Rain can often be a symbol of restoration It can wash away all of the past experiences Rain is a symbol of growth
Thunder and Lightning Thunder and lightning are the reason that rain receives such a negative feel in most pieces. Lightning can light up the darkness and show the character the way Thunder can scare the character and force him/her into submission
Snow (Light) The Lighter the snow in the text, the lighter the tone. Light snow can show peace and hope to come in the story
Blizzards Blizzards have the capability to bring about confusion and break down a character to the lowest of lows
Fog Fog can show a reader both confusion while building suspense. Fog is looked at as an “unknown” and it toys with the mind of the reader.
Wind Wind is a connector in stories Wind connects the living and the dead Think of a whisper of wind in the ear of a character when they think it is a past friend or family members voice Wind can transition emotions of a character Through weather, wind can move a sunny day (happiness) to a cloudy day (dull, dreary) which may bring rain
Sunny Sun provides warmth and lifts the soul A symbol of happiness and good things to come Think of the sun breaking through a cloudy day. Shows hope of something better on the horizon
Cloudy Clouds can cover the sun and make a warm day cooler Clouds are a symbol of darkness and evil Think of the clouds covering the armies in Lord of the Rings. The Orcs could not have the suns warmth touch them, so clouds covered them in darkness