Welcome! 2016 Fall Conclave August 12, 2016
Our College
Academic Programs in the COEHS 1 Associate Degree Program 12 Baccalaureate Degree Programs 12 Minors 3 Undergraduate Certificate Programs 14 Master’s Degree Programs 3 Specialist Programs 1 Doctorate Program 4 Graduate Certificate Programs
College Leadership Name Title David Whaley Dean Robert Lyons Assistant Dean & Interim Director of CDI Tami Dandeneau Finance & Administrative Coordinator Barbara Washington Chair of ACS Paul Lucko Chair of CLHS Jacqueline Hansen Chair of ECE Susana Bloomdahl Chair of ELC Jennifer Earls Director of KATE Alesa Walker Director of TES Kem Cothran Coordinator for TQI Melanie Brooks Director of Development for COEHS Kimberly Hanberry Shelton Admin. Asst. II / Event Coordinator Paige Rogers Admin. Asst. II / Marketing Coordinator
2016-2017 College Events Fall 2016 Spring 2017 August 12: Fall Conclave January 13: Spring Kickoff August 16: Welcome Back to Students January 17: Welcome Back to Students September 15: Student Picnic March (TBD): Sparks Lecture October 29: Homecoming Breakfast April (TBD): International Luncheon November 13-16: CAEP Accreditation Visit April 21: End-of-Year Celebration December 2: Holiday Potluck April 26: Scholarship & Service Recognition Banquet December 5: Student Worker/GA Celebration May 5: The Final Assignment – Retirement Celebration December 9: Fall Graduating Student Teacher Celebration May 12: Spring Graduating Student Teacher Celebration
Faculty & Staff Highlights Dr. Peggy Pittman-Munke was elected President of the Rural Social Work Caucus. Dr. Jacqueline Hansen was recently recognized by KACTE for her contributions to the organization. Dr. Ben Littlepage was selected to represent COEHS on the University's Academic Council. Dr. Jeanetta Riley received the 2016 COEHS Outstanding Research and Creativity Award. Ms. Missy Tish received the 2016 COEHS Outstanding Staff Support Award. Dr. Peter Weber was chosen as the 2016 Service Learning Mentor of the Year. Ms. Katherine Farmer was named Faculty Regent.
Tenure & Promotion Results: Congratulations to Mi-Hwa, Daniel, and Samir! Dr. Mi-Hwa Park (IECE) - Tenured and promoted to Associate Professor Dr. Daniel Hepworth (Criminal Justice) - Tenured and promoted to Associate Professor Dr. Samir Patel (Counseling) - Tenured and promoted to Associate Professor
Scholarships Awarded 2016-2017: $435,600 Yearly Awards 2012-2013: $176,000 2013-2014: $225,000 2014-2015: $285,000 2015-2016: $358,000 2016-2017: $435,600