Kakuma Nutrition Survey November 2012 Training Day 5
Standardisation tests Objective: To assess how consistent and accurate measurements are within individual measurers and between measurers To better understand the challenges in taking measurements Practise makes perfect!
Standardisation - Anthropometry Team 1 Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Child 4 Child 5 MUAC WEIGHT HEIGHT MUAC WEIGHT HEIGHT MUAC WEIGHT HEIGHT MUAC WEIGHT HEIGHT MUAC WEIGHT HEIGHT Repeat
Standardisation - Anthropometry Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 6 X 2
Haemoglobin - Standardisation Take two measurements from two different finger sticks from a minimum of 3 fellow trainees (i.e. filing out two microcuvettes from two different blood drops-blood drop #3 and #4) Use the table provided to write down the results and assess the quality of the Hb measurements
Haemoglobin – Standardisation form Volunteer name Assessing how good the trainee is at filling up the microcuvette Assessing how good the trainee is at finger sticking Finger 1 Finger 2 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 Blood drop #3 Blood drop #4 C1- C2 Potential reasons for difference ≥ (+/-) 0.5 g/dL C5-C6 Potential reasons for difference≥(+/-) 0.5 g/dL C1-C5 1 2 3